Faith and Zion

Zion is the Flock that has been chosen by God the Father before the creation of the world (Rom. 8/30). As the Flock that is destined to conform to the likeness of the Son of God

Faith and Zion

Faith and Zion

Zion is the Flock that has been chosen by God the Father before the creation of the world (Rom. 8/30).  As the Flock that is destined to conform to the likeness of the Son of God (Eph. 1/4; Rom. 8/29), Zion says Amen to all the Written Word of God.

Zion lives in a period (era) called TODAY (Heb. 3/13). From the Signs of the Times (Mt. 24/32-34) we realize that these are the last days. Zion is granted Ears by God the Father. The Good News of the Kingdom of God is given to those who have Ears (Mk. 4/9; Lk. 8/8; Rev. 2/7, Rev. 3/6, Rev. 13/9).  Divine Wisdom is this Ear. This Ear gives the gift to discern the Voice of God from the voice of the world. Since Zion is gifted with the ability to discern the Voice of God and with a new heart to believe His Voice (Eze. 36/26), it has been led out by Emmanuel from the churches, where the Law reigns supreme (Jn. 10/4). This Flock is called to become perfect (Heb. 11/39-40) before all the Patriarchs, who were made righteous by God the Father, attain perfection.  Now the Zion Flock has reached the desert of God experience. In other words, Zion is in the Second Exodus now.  Zion, who has been promised a more beautiful inheritance than all other peoples (Jer. 3/19), owns a greater faith than all the others.

What are the beliefs of Zion?

Zion believes and proclaims the Good News that Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Only Saviour, has come again into this world in flesh (1 Jn. 4/2, Jer. 14/8-9). His Name is Emmanuel (Is. 7/14) and He will judge the world and fulfill the righteousness of God (Is. 42/2-4). Only a person, who has the Spirit of God the Father, can profess that Jesus Christ has come again in His Body (1 Jn. 4/2). When Jesus Christ came into this world 2000 years ago, He did not come with a body but  He came as the Spirit of the Word of God (Lk. 1/28). Through the faith of Holy Mother, He put on flesh in Her womb (Jn. 1/14; Rom. 3/26).  But He has come for the second time now after putting on Body (1 Jn. 4/2).  Zion believes that He has established His Church of Light by bringing together all the Children of God, who are the Children of Light (1 The. 5/5) given to Him by God the Father before the creation of the world (Eph. 1/4; Jn. 6/39) who are His own brethren (Heb. 2/11) through His Spirit (Zec. 10/8-10; Eze. 36/24-27). Zion professes the faith that Emmanuel will come (reveal himself) as Saviour, King of Kings (Emperor) of the Kingdom of God to Zion (Is. 52/2; Is. 59/20; Heb. 9/28).  Zion confesses that those who died believing in Him and His Life-giving Word (Jn. 6/63) of Eternal Life will resurrect and come with a heavenly body to Zion (1 The. 4/16). The remaining ones in Zion will be filled with Immeasurable Love, Grace and Power and will be transfigured into His likeness (1 The. 4/17; Phil. 3/20-21; 1 Cor. 15/52). Zion family believes that God the Father will come to visit His Children (Amo. 4/12, 1 Jn. 3/2). Zion hopes and believes that the Zion Flock will see God the Father as He is with their naked eyes and will become as He is (1 Jn. 3/2-3; 1 Cor. 13/12) when He comes to visit His Children. Zion believes that Emmanuel will put an end to all rules, powers and authority and will surrender the Kingdom to God the Father (1 Cor. 15/24). Zion professes that Emmanuel will take us along with Him to our real home, the heavenly Zion (Ps. 87/5; Phil. 3/20; Jn. 14/3), the Heavenly City we await (Heb. 11/10, Heb. 13/14, Rev. 22/19), the homes He has prepared for us (Jn. 14/2). Zion also believes that this earth and everything that was created and sustained by the Word of God will be completely annihilated when the Word of God is withdrawn  from them (2 Pet. 3/10).

Zion believes with great fervour that Holy Mother is the Mother of Holy Wisdom (Wis. 6/12; Wis. 8/4; Wis. 9/9), and it is through this Wisdom that we comprehend the true meaning of the Word and that the Word illumines.  Zion confesses that Holy Mary is the Ambassador of the Father in all His redemptive works, and by living in Zion and making them of one mind, She will prepare Zion for the Second Pentecost (Bar. 3/37). It is Zion’s proclamation that until and unless one reaches Holy Mary, the Mother of all, the yoke that is placed on the children of Adam will not be destroyed (Sir. 40/1) and that the one who stands close to Her will be filled with the Life-giving Law and will become immortal (Bar. 4/1).

Zion believes in all the Divine Mysteries written in the Holy Scriptures about Jesus Christ and all the redemptive works He fulfilled in His First Coming and will fulfill in His Second Coming. Zion believes in all the Word of God that are fulfilled and are being fulfilled and will be fulfilled. Zion believes in all the Works of God and in the One who is sent by God. All the Signs of the Times which are testimonies from the Father, are accepted by Zion (Lk. 24/44-46).  Zion flock’s hearts burn when they hear the Word of God. Only the hearts of those who believe and are opened will burn with fervour and only if the mind is opened by the Son of God one can comprehend and believe in the Word of God (Lk. 24/32, Lk. 24/45). Zion believes that Power is there in the Word of God (Mk. 12/24).

Zion confesses that all the dominion and glory that God the Father had given to His Children in the Garden of Eden will be reinstated (Jer. 29/11-14). Jesus Christ, after cursing the fig tree for not being fruitful, proclaims that His disciples will do a great act than that through their faith (Mt. 21/18-22). Zion believes that the Children of God can make all the fruit trees to produce fruits at all times, through the reinstatement of this glory (fortune). Zion believes that a mountain, where they live, will be ordered to move and be placed in the sea. Zion believes that it was a prophecy by Jesus Christ. To Zion flock, who have been experiencing the power of the Word of God, believing in this act is not a problem.

Zion believes that just as Enoch (Gen. 5/4) and Elijah (2 Kin. 2/11) were taken up without experiencing death, Zion Flock also will be taken up into Heaven without tasting death.  Carrying the body of Moses after his death was a token act of the resurrection of the Children of God (Jud. 1/9).  When Jesus Christ transfigured on Mount Tabor, one of those who were taken up into Heaven alive (Elijah) and one who was given resurrection (Moses) were brought down.

Zion confesses that all the Zion flock will be safely protected for the salvation prepared to be revealed at the Last Days – Today – through this same faith by the Power of God (1 Pet. 1/5). Zion believes that this faith will be tested and the Zion flock that withstand these tests will receive the praise of Emmanuel who will reveal Himself with His glory (1 Pet. 1/7).

So, not straying away from the hope the Good News gives, Zion stays firm and with convictions in the faith (Col. 1/23).

Zion confesses  both the Creeds.


I believe in my Father, Holy and the Lord of Heaven and earth. I believe in His only Son, Emmanuel, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, the Saviour who has come to this world again in flesh as the Son of Man. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Helper, who teaches and reminds us everythig. I believe in the most Holy Virgin Mary, Eternal and our Mother and the Mother of sublime love, devotion, Wisdom and sacred hope. I believe in the Spirit of Truth who leads us to the fullness of Truth by revealing us the things to come. I believe in the Spirit of Holy Wisdom. I believe in the Word of Truth, the coming of the True Prophets, and the Church of the Light. I believe in the immeasurable love, immeasurable power and immeasurable grace that we are about to receive at His Son’s Glorious Manifestation. I believe in the End of age, the transfiguration of the body and the new Heaven and new Earth where Righteousness abides. I believe in the Eternal City the Father has prepared, the righteous Final Judgment and Eternal Life with the Father.  Amen.

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