The Word of God testifies that many false prophets will appear in the End Times and lead people to damnation. Jesus Christ has foretold this as a Sign of the End Times
The Word of God testifies that many false prophets will appear in the
End Times and lead people to damnation. Jesus Christ has foretold this as a
Sign of the End Times (Mt. 24/11). Discerning the false prophets will be one of
the greatest challenges that the people of God must face in these End Times. To
win this challenge we need Wisdom from God (Dan. 12/10).
Before examining who the false prophets are, we must know who are the
true prophets. A true prophet is one who echoes the Words uttered by God. He is
one who re-states what God speaks to him. He gives the Word of God for the
glory of God and to please God with out adulterating It. God speaks about all
events that must take place till everything is fulfilled when heaven and the
earth pass away, through His prophets (Mt. 5/18, Is. 43/10-12). God the Father
does nothing with out revealing it first to His prophets (Amos 3/7).
conditions must be fulfilled in order to be qualified as a true prophet:
1) He must be anointed by God
2) He must get mission from
3) He must be sent by God
4) He must be given the Word
of God
5) He must be given the Spirit
of Wisdom
Moses was the first prophet and John the Baptist was the last (Lk.
16/16). These people were sent by God to His people. These prophets in whose
bones the Word of God burned like fire, spoke this Word fearlessly (Amos 3/8,
Jer. 20/9). These prophets tried to discipline the people by bringing to light
their sins and evil doings and thus turn them towards God wholeheartedly. More
important, the mission of the prophets was to the prepare people to wait for
the Saviour and prepare themselves for the Salvation He brings.
But the people of God did not believe in the true prophets. They were
not (nor are) ready to wait for the time for the fulfillment of these
prophesies, which God has decided in His infinite Wisdom (Eccl. 3/1, Ezek.
12/21-22). They had never been willing to obey the prophets and change their
ways. They rejected and persecuted all the prophets and even killed some of
them (Acts 7/51-52, Lk. 6/22-23).
There are various Phases in the Redemptive Plan of God.
1) The Phase of the Children of God
The Children of God were created in Paradise in the image and likeness
of God and with the power akin to that of God and as immortal. Till they
committed sin, they lived as Children of God.
2) The Phase of Righteous men
Man, who became a slave of sin, was sent out from Paradise. They
indulged in all sorts of the acts of disobedience and evils. Guided by faith in
God, some righteous men led lives that were pleasing to God (Heb. 11/1-22).
Even though the the Law was not given (It was given through Moses on Mount
Sinai), they walked in the ways of the Lord by subjecting themselves to the
Sprit of Wisdom and so were protected from all the evils that antagonized God
(Wis. 10/1-14).
3) The Phase of Prophets
The era of the prophets was from the time of Moses to that of John the
Baptist (Lk. 16/16). These prophets spoke on behalf of God and were filled with
the Power and the Word of God. They accused the people of God for their sins
and prepared them to receive the Saviour and the Salvation He will give.
4) The Phase of Apostles
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, took upon himself the sins of the
Children of God and atoned for their sins. He gave us the Grace of the
forgiveness of sins. He gave his apostles the Holy Sprit so that they safeguard
the Grace and have a Helper. He then sent them all over the world to make
people his disciples by teaching them to obey what he had taught them. He
commanded them to baptize people, who believed in him, in the Name of the
Father, the Son and the Holy Sprit. Thus He entrusted them the mission to prepare
a flock that awaits God the Father and himself, who would come back after
preparing dwelling places in His Father’s Place (Is. 64/4, Jn. 14/1-3). The
2000 years of the life of the Church was actually the period granted to the
apostles and their successors.
5) The Phase of Prophets
The Son of God has come again as the Son of Man. He is Emmanuel, the
King of kings and the Lord of lords (Emperor). But, unlike His First Coming,
the Son of God will not raise His voice or teach in streets in His Second Coming
(Is. 42/2-4). Instead, the prophets whom He sends will speak for Him and pave
way for Him (Mt. 22/34). His Voice will be heard in Zion. But the prophets were
till John the Baptist. So the old prophets themselves will be sent again. Many
Words of God testify that those prophets will be sent again. For example, Mt.
11/13-15, Mal. 4/5, Lk. 11/49, Mic. 2/12-13, Ezek. 14/14, Dan. 12/13 etc. point
to the coming of the prophets.) Many of
the prophesies that God gave through His prophets before centuries and
millennia are yet to be fulfilled. Behold, now is the time of Prophets!
6) The Phase of Righteous men
The righteous ones of God will live by their faith (Gal. 3/1). This
Word of God will be fulfilled in this era. This is the period of the faith of a
Little Flock that believes in the God the Father, His Words, His Works and in
those sent by Him (Rev. 14/12). This Little Flock believes that Jesus Christ
has come again, that His Name is Emmanuel, that He will manifest in glory in
Zion, He will transfigure their body into the likeness of His glorious body and
that He will take them along with Him to the New Earth (Acts 3/20-21, Is.
7/14, Rev. 12/1-2,5, Is. 59/20, Is.
52/7-9, Jn. 14/1-3). They are taken from the obedience of the Law to the
obedience of faith. From then on, they are not under the dominion of sin, but
of Grace (Rom. 5/21). Through faith they receive all the Promises that God has
given them.
7) The Phase of ‘gods’ (the Sons and Daughters
of God)
Jn. 10/34-35 - Jesus answered them: Is it not written in
your law: I said you are gods? If those to whom the Word of God came were
called 'gods', and the scripture cannot be annulled.
It is written in the Word of God that the true Children of God, who
are born again from the Word of God (1 Pet. 1/23, Jam. 1/18) and are filled
with the Light of the Word of God (Eph. 5/12-13), will be called ‘gods’ by
Emmanuel (Jn. 1/1-5, Rev. 19/13), in His Glorious Manifestation. God the Father
will honour these Children of God who serve Emmanuel and they will live where
He lives, which the Third Heaven (Jn. 12/26, Jn. 17/24). They will receive the
eternal life that God has promised and with heavenly body, they will live with God the Father as His Sons and Daughters
for all eternity.
Prophets are not those who oppose the existing Church Teacheings
False prophets are those who preach without being enabled and guided
by the Spirit of God. The Word of God is the Truth (Jn. 17/17). The false
prophet is one who projects his own thoughts and feelings as prophecies from
Satan began to send false prophets from the time God began to do so.
Moses was the first true prophet. All along the history of the People of God,
we see the presence of false prophets. Jesus Christ has given the warning that
many false prophets will appear in the End Times and will lead astray even some
of the elect (Mk. 13/22). So he exhorts his beloved ones who live in the End
Times to discern those who pretend to be apostles of God but are not in fact so
and stay away from them (Rev. 2/2).
What are the criteria by which the church authorities accuse some as
false prophets? According to these clergy, all those who differ from them or
accuse them for their teachings or deeds are false prophets. But this is not a
valid criterion. This yardstick that they use simply shows how arrogant and
childish and false are their arguments.
It is to be noted that for the Jewish priests and the teachers of the
Law who paraded this argument, Jesus Christ and the Apostles were false
prophets and agents of satan. In fact all the true prophets were rejected and
persecuted by their contemporary church (Acts 7:51-52).
Now, what is the Church of God? True Church is the flock who are
separated from this world by God so that they obey the Will of God as it is
obeyed in Heaven. The Church is the fellowship of those who are one in belief.
It is the flock of those who, empowered by God, defeat this world through their
faith (1 Jn. 5/4), flesh through the fruits of the Holy Spirit and satan
through their faith and holiness (1 Jn. 3/8). It is flock which is chosen to be
one in one faith. The true hallmark of Church is not being known in the name of
Jesus Christ or the glory and wealth amassed from this world selling the name
‘Jesus Christ’. The Signs of the true Church are not maître, staff, huge
mansions, properties in the heart of various cities, ‘thrones’ named after
apostles, places of honour, colorful garments, and the material system erected
to maintain these paraphernalia. These things, of which the present day
churches boast, are NOT given, established or willed by Jesus Christ. The
Church of God is not a system that is established in this world to be of this
world and toil for this world by absorbing the values and philosophies of this
world. True church is not a system to run institutions through which people are
equipped to get better jobs and amass money in this world.
But most Christian churches have become so. These Churches have lost
Wisdom and so the gates of hell have already prevailed against them. The Holy
Spirit has been withdrawn from them. The Sign of Jonah – the declaration that
God will destroy the churches – has been given to these churches. The Son of
God has began pulling out His beloved ones from these Churches so that when He
manifests in glory they are ready. So the argument that those who are against
the Church are false prophets in not true or valid in the presence of God.
When Jesus Christ came to this world 2000 years ago what was His
approach to the existing church? Till 12 years old, the Son of God prayed at
the Jerusalem Temple. But, when He was 12, His Mother took Him out of the
Judaic Church and from then on wards He prayed only on mountain. He said that
He came to seek sinners and showed great compassion to all the sinners who
repented. But the ONLY group which received the most severe criticism from the
Son of God was the priests and the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law. He
called them offspring of the devil, blind guides, brood of vipers, whitewashed
tombs and hypocrites. He accused them for their evils and hardheartedness. He
acted ‘differently’ from what they considered the right manner. But Jesus Christ
spoke and acted just as His Father told him (Jn. 12:48-50). So the priests and
the Teachers of the Law called Jesus Christ as a false prophet who led people
astray. Priests who were under the slavery of sin and who were themselves
rejected by God called the Son of God as Belzebul. Today’s priests and scholars
are following in the footsteps of those priests and teachers of the Law.
Can Discern the True Prophets?
It has been a challenge from the time of Moses to discern the true
prophets from the false ones. Do the churches have any formula to do this
discernment? Has the catholic church, which claims to have the magisterium, has
taught any one any such formula? In fact, churches should have taught people
the signs of the false prophets written in the Word of God and exhorted them to
reject the false prophets. This should have been the course of action churches
should have followed instead of yelling at everyone who is opposed to their
evil ways calling them false prophets.
In order to know the true prophets, one should received the
Gift of Discernment from God the Father (Jn. 7/16-17).
God the Father is faithful (Due. 32/4). It is simply impossible for
Him to deceive those who believe and put their trust in Him. He is a loving
Father, who makes everything for the good of those who love Him and are called
according to His plan (Rom. 8/28). No one can take away those who belong to
God, from His hand (Jn. 10/29, Is. 43/13). He has been working for those who
wait for Him (Is. 64/4). For the same purpose Emmanuel, Holy Mother and the
Holy Sprit work even Now (Jn. 5/17, Ws. 9/10, 1 Cor. 12/4-7). God the Father
looks from Heaven to see if there is any Wise one who seeks Him (Ps. 14/2, Ps. 53/2). So God the Father
will definitely give the Gift of Discernment to a believer who prays to Him to
know the true teachings. It is for the gift of faith and that of discernment
that a believer must pray for.
Only those who have the heart to do the Will of God gets
this Gift of Discernment (Jn. 7/17).
Only those who always seek to fulfill the Will of God the Father will
get this gift of discernment from God the Father. But today, people want to
fulfill their own will and the will of their spouse, leaders, priests, church,
benefactors, and people around them. Few wants to seek what the Will of God is
or do it. There are many who put on the garb of ministers of God and and men
and claim that they fulfill the Will of God.
But in the light of the Word of God all the intensions of men will be
revealed (Heb. 4/12). The fortunate ones are those who are not accused by the
Lord (Ps. 32/2, Rom. 4/8).
How do we know the Will of God? We come to know God only through the
Word of God and the Works of God described in the Book of the Lord (Jn. 1/18,
Lk. 10/22). That means, only through the Words of God the Father that the
prophets spoke, the Words of Wisdom, the Words of Emmanuel, and the Words of
the Holy Spirit that the apostles spoke, we can know God the Father. Since
Wisdom, Emmanuel and the Holy Spirit do not have Words or deeds of their own,
all three of speak the Word of God the Father. These are the Words written down
in the Book of the Lord. But, we must have the Holy Spirit to unite the Word of
God written in different part of the Bood of the Lord and Holy Wisdom to get
the sealed Words opened (Is. 34/16, Ws. 8/8). In short, only those who have the
Holy Sprit and the Spirit of Wisdom will know the Will of God (Ws. 9/16-17).
Only those who believe the Word of God as it is written and obey it always
under the guidance of Wisdom and the Holy Spirit are the one who truly follow
the Will of God.
Only those who are filled with the Love of God will have
the heart to do the Will of God
To love God means to obey His Commandments (1 Jn. 5/3). Those who love
the Son of God will follow his Words (Jn. 14/23-24). A person will always
follow the will of the one whom he or she loves most.
In other words, only those who follow the First Commandment flawlessly
and whose hearts are filled with the love of God will have the resolve to do
the Will of God (Mk. 12/29-30). For those who do not love God the Father,
Emmanuel, the Holy Spirit and Holy Wisdom more than anybody and anything, doing
the Will of God will be irritable. Jesus Christ entrusted Peter with the
mission of safeguarding his sheep only when Simeon confessed that he obeys the
First Commandment fully (Jn. 21/15-17).
So Simeon Peter could do the Will of Jesus Christ even at the expense of
Only those who always seek the glory that comes from God
will be filled with the Love of God (Jn. 5/41-44).
What is this glory? God the Father created His children giving them
His image, likeness, authority, dominion over creation, power and
imperishability. But they lost all these due to sin and became unworthy for the
glory of God (Rom. 3/23). But God gave
them a Saviour and promised them eternal life. He has called them to His Glory and
Greatness (2 Pet. 1/3). As a proof that His Children will indeed get this
glory, God gave the first fruit of the Holy Spirit in the Pentecost as a token
of the inheritance of this glory (Eph. 1/13-14). Re-establishing this Divine
Glory in us is the redemption of our Sonship (Rom. 8/23). Only those who long
for this glory will be filled with the love of God. God has filled His love in
our hearts through His Spirit.
In order to seek only the Glory from God, one must forgo
self-glory and mutual glory (Jn. 5/41-44).
Today, the people of God want to be glorified in this world. It does
not matter to them whether they are true believers or not. They want to lead a
‘decent’ life and earn a good name in front of others. The Word of God says
that whoever is given the true Word of God will be hated by the world (Jn.
17/14). Anyone who tries to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of
God (Jam. 4:4). Today’s believers are not ready to do anything that would
‘spoil’ their name in society. So they are not ready to believe the Word of God
as it is written and seek the glory that comes from God.
This is the formula by which we can know whether a teaching is from
God of from man.
Prophets are Sent again in the End Times
Will true prophets of God be sent again? What is the mission that they
have in the End Times? How can a believer recognize them? These are some of the
questions that seldom come to the mind of the believers. We need to see what
the Word of God says in this matter.
The Son of God, in his first coming 2000 years ago, preached in
streets, in the Temple, on the sea shore, on mountains, in synagogues, and in
various houses (Mk. 1/21,39, Lk. 4/16, Lk. 8/1). His Voice rang in the streets.
On various occasions, He raised his Voice and taught people (Jn. 7/37-38, Jn.
7/28-29). He lamented about people’s lack of faith and the hard-heartedness of
Jerusalem and the dominion of satan over people. But, the Word of God testifies that Emmanuel,
the Son of God, will not preach in the streets or lament about His people in
his Second Coming (Is. 42/2-4).
Jesus Christ himself has stated that all that is written about the
Saviour in the Law of Moses, the Prophetic Writings and the Psalms must be
fulfilled (Lk. 24/44). So the Word that He will not raise His Voice on the
streets will be fulfilled in His Second Coming. That means, in his Second
coming to this world the Son of God will not teach on the streets or in
churches. Besides, in His Second Coming, the Son of God comes not to atone for
the sins of people, but to save the righteous ones who eagerly wait for Him
(Heb. 9/28).
But it is the Voice of the Son of God that gathers His Sheep and leads
them to eternal life (Jn. 10/16-17, 27-29). So somebody else will speak on
behalf of Him and this will be the one sent by Him (Mt. 23/34, Is. 41/26-29).
What will be heard from the one who is sent, will be His Voice.
John the Baptist was the last prophet (Lk. 16/16). So, new prophets
will not come but the same old prophets will come again.
The Son of God was born to be the King (Jn. 18/31, Rev. 12/5). He is
the King of kings (Rev. 11/19). Good News is the proclamation and the preaching
about the Glorious Manifestation of Emmanuel, the righteousness of God that will be fulfilled in the End of
Ages (2 Thes. 1/6-7, Is. 63/1-6) and the Kingship and Reign of Emmanuel (Is.
40/9-10). This will be preached by the one is sent by God. One of the greatest
signs that the one who preaches the Good News is sent by Emmanuel is fact that
He will reveal the Name of God the Father hidden for ages. Because the Name of
God the Father will be revealed only by Emmanuel to His brethren (Ps. 22/22,
Heb. 2/11-12). The Word of God testifies that where the Name of God the Father
is proclaimed the Son of God himself speaks (Is. 52/6-8). So in these End
Times, the true prophet preaches the Good News in the Name of Emmanuel.
Rom. 10/13-17 - For,
"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." But how
are they to call on one in whom they have not believed? And how are they to
believe in one of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without
someone to proclaim him? And how are they to proclaim him unless they are sent?
As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
But not all have obeyed the good news; for Isaiah says, "Lord, who has
believed our message?" So faith comes from what is heard, and what is
heard comes through the word of Christ.
Increased Flow of False Prophets in the End Times
The Word of God testifies that many false prophets will come all over
the world in the End Times (Mt. 24/11, Mk. 13/22). Why do many false prophets
come in the End Times?
1) The Second Coming of the Son of God is in the End Times. Prophets
will be sent to pave way for Him and to prepare those who belong to Him before
His Glorious Manifestation. Since satan is the arch-deceiver, he sends maximum
number of false prophets during this time. By this satan is able to deceive
more people. Only when there is original, satan can deceive by showing
duplicates. For example, only after the Reserve Bank of India released
currencies of Rs. 1000, the enemies of the nation began producing fake
currencies of the denomination of 1000. Satan aggravates his battle against the
Children of God by sending many false prophets in the End Times, because it is
at that time God sends His true Prophets.
2) In the End Times, satan comes to know that only a little time is
left for him (Rev. 12/12). Soon destruction will fall on him (Gen. 3/14-15,
Rom. 16/20). So he, enraged with this
realization, comes with all his strength to deceive the people of God through
false prophets.
3) Those who are to inherit the Salvation that is prepared to be
revealed in the End Times, will receive the inheritance most sublime (Heb.
1/14, 1 Pet. 1/5, Jer. 3/19). Satan knows very well that these Children of God
who will be revealed in the End Times will crush him and set free the creation
(Rom. 8/19). So they must engage in the fiercest battle with satan. So satan
sends many false prophets in the End.
4) If satan could deceive more people in the End, it would be more
profitable for satan. The thieves who are sent by satan, come to steal and
destroy the sheep (Jn. 10/16). God will not get time to purify the Children of
God who die in sin in the End Times. So a large flock will be led to eternal
5) The Antichrist comes in the
End Times. So if false prophets are to force people to adore the Antichrist,
these false prophets must come in the End Times (Rev. 13/11-15). It will be
through the false prophets that the Antichrist will perform many false signs
and wonders to deceive those who do not love the Truth (the Word of God) and
thus are unwilling to be saved (2 Thes. 2/9-12). The false prophet is the tail,
while the head is the Antichrist (Is. 9/13-16).
Characteristics of False Prophets
A tree is known from its fruits. The false prophets can be known from
their words and deeds.
"Beware of
false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous
wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or
figs from thistles? In the same way, every good tree bears good fruit, but the
bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree
bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and
thrown into the fire. Thus you will know them by their fruits (Mat. 7/15-20).
God asks us to seek and read from the Book of the Lord as nothing
shall be missing from it. From the Word of God let us examine these fruits of
the false prophets.
1. False Prophets will always speak lies.
God is True, Holy and Righteous (Due. 32/4). Each of His Word is Truth
(Jn. 17/17, Prov. 30/5, Ps. 119/160, Ps. 33/4, 6). So lie is anything that is
contrary to the Word of God. It will be proved that God’s Words are true. So
the only Truth is the Word of God, who is God in Himself and who comes from God
(Jn. 1/1-5). The Holy Bible is the book where the Word of God that came forth
from God as Spirit and Truth have been written down. The whole creation and
human beings are subject to the Word of God written in the Book of the Lord.
All the devils and satan are subject to the Word of God. The whole of Heaven is
also subject to the written Word of God. The Son of God, Holy Wisdom, the Holy
Spirit are also subject to the written to the Word of God, because they all
obey the Will of God the Father. Even God the Father so graciously allows
Himself to be subjected to the written Word of God, because since He is True, He
cannot deny Himself. When all the written Word of God are fulfilled, the whole
world will realize that they are indeed true.
If one receives the Truth, he gets life and on the other hand if he
receives false-words, he gets death. God the Father did not create death nor
does He rejoice in the death of His Children (Ws. 1/13). Death entered the
world due to the jealousy of satan (Ws. 2/13). But satan is the arch-liar and
the father of liars (Jn. 8/44). Death is the greatest lie. Since God is Truth
and His Word is the Truth, life is true. Truth is something that remains for
What is a lie? Anything that is contrary to the Word of God is a lie,
because what is contrary to the truth is a lie. That means, all that are
different from or contrary to the answers given in the Book of the Lord
regarding the fundamental human questions like, who God is, how man came to be,
how man fell in to the pathetic state he is in, who will redeem him from this
state and what the meaning and purpose of human life is etc, are false.
False prophets teach lies through various ways.
1) They teach lies by making
the Word of God empty and void through their interpretations and exegeses.
2) They teach lies by adding
poison to the Word of God from other books.
3) They teach lies by diluting
the Word of God basing themselves on various philosophies in the world.
4) They teach lies by placing
their teachings and principles over and above the Word of Word.
5) They teach lies by valuing
worldly knowledge above the Word of God.
Acting thus all false prophets will turn out to be liars (Prov.
Now, we must examine who all are engaged in these kinds of activities.
As many would wrongly think, it is not the non-Christian religious leaders who
do such deeds. On the other hand, these false prophets are those who claim to
believe in Jesus Christ and boast that they are teaching in Jesus’ name. Which
are the Churches that are filled with such preachers? It is the mainstream
churches of today who have churned out libraries of bible interpretations. For
example, the Kerala Catholic church recently published the Alpha Bible
commentary. According to the ‘learned’ editors of this project, many books in
the Holy Bible are merely modified versions of ghost stories, folklores,
detective stories etc that existed among the non-believers at some time in the
past. It is clear who are the false prophets.
These main stream Christian churches take many philosophies of this
world as their own (Col. 2/8) and teach them in their seminaries and formation
houses and make the Word of God void and meaningless based on these
philosophies. Modern Biblical exegeses and the books published by the
‘scholars’ who adorn various chairs in the universities of these churches prove
this. Actually these mainstream Churches add words and ideas from other
religious books to the Word of God and thus teache the cursed ‘another gospel’
(Gal. 1/6-8). (For example, the New Community Bible published by the Indian
Catholic Church in 2008).
It is the Catholic church that teaches that a believer must obey the
church teachings more than the written Word of God. It is the Catholic church
that teaches that though the Word of God has no infallibility, the pope has
infallibility. It is the Catholic church and the other churches that have
accepted this worldly knowledge more true and authoritative than the Word of
God and Wisdom. That is why the scholars in these churches try to make the Word
of God comply with the worldly knowledge. For example, to comply with Darwin’s
hypothesis of evolution, the Catholic church and other churches have done away
with the first chapters of the Book of Genesis and they teach that the ancestor
of monkeys and man are the same.
But, in Zion, only Truth is being taught. Zion does not make use of
any of the above mentioned means that false prophets employ to teach false
words (lies). Zion believes every Word of God as it is written and preaches the
same without adulterating or diluting it. Anyone can examine this claim of Zion
to see the veracity of it. But it must not be done on the basis of the false
allegations of the catholic priests or other church believers against Zion.
Instead, the examination must be done on the basis of the Word of God because,
only in the light of true Light (Jn. 1/1-5) one can really see what is false.
It is in the light of the Word of God that everything is unraveled (Heb. 4/12).
No one, who stands on God’s side, can prove that what is being taught in Zion
is contrary to the Word of God.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
2. False Prophets will blaspheme and slander
against the Divine Mysteries that are not revealed to them.
2 Pet. 2/1, 12 - But false prophets also arose among the
people, just as there will be false teachers among you, … These people, however, are like irrational
animals, mere creatures of instinct, born to be caught and killed. They slander
what they do not understand, and when those creatures are destroyed, they also
will be destroyed.
Through the Letter of Judas also the Holy Spirit teaches the same
things (Jud. 1/10).
What are these things that they
do not understand? This is not about some type of knowledge that people did
not possess earlier but today science or philosophies have unravelled. When
people come to know things of this world that they hitherto did not know
through science, they do not slander them.
What the Word of God mean by things
that they do not know are the secret Divine Wisdom that God had kept hidden
for ages for the glory of Children of God (1 Cor. 2/6-7). These are the new and
hitherto hidden things that God teaches through His prophets (Is. 48/6-7, Amos
3/7) These new things are taught
through the Writings of the Prophets in the period called NOW – the End Times
(Rom. 16/26). These Divine mysteries are beyond the comprehension of human
intellect and are the things that God teaches His Children when they call Him
MY Father (Jer. 33/3). The Word of God testifies that God the Father Himself
will teach His Children in the End Times (Is. 64/5). Those who are attracted by
God the Father to come near Emmanuel are these Children of God who will be
taught by Him (Jn. 6/44-45, Jn. 10/27-29). These unknown things are the things
that are going to take place in the End of Ages (Sir. 48/25). These are the
things that God the Father has prepared and that human eyes have not seen, ears
have nor heard or minds have understood (1 Cor. 2/9).
In short, what the Word of God mean by the things that are not known are the teachings about the Divine Righteousness
that God the Father will implement in End of Ages by punishing the sinners and
making the earth empty (Is. 13/9) and the glory, prosperity and eternal life
that He is going to give His Children.
But, the false prophets will not be able to understand these things
nor will they believe in them. There are many reasons for this.
1) The god of this world has filled their hearts with darkness because
they embraced empty philosophies that suit only the elements of this world but
not Jesus Christ (Col. 2/8). So the light of the of the glorious Good News of
God is not revealed to them (Is. 40/9-10, 2 Cor. 4/4). This light is the
luminosity that emanated from the transfigured Jesus Christ on Mount Tabor (Mt.
17/1-2). This will be the luster of the Word of God that comes out from the
Sons and Daughters of God who will transfigure on Mount Zion in the End of Ages
(1 Cor. 15/50-54, Phil. 3/20-21, Eph. 5/1-14).
2) The Divine Mysteries are
the Truth that come from God the Father. But the false prophets are the
offsprings of curse (2 Pet. 2/14). Curse is satan. Satan is the liar and the
father of liars. Since false prophets are offsprings of satan, they cannot
understand these Divine mysteries by virtue of their inherent qualities (Jn.
8/44, Jud. 1/10). Only those who have the Truth in them can understand the
3) Only those who have the
Holy Sprit will be able to understand these Divine mysteries (1 Cor. 2/9-12).
But, the Holy Sprit does not dwell in the false prophets. So the false prophets
will slander against these things.
4) Only those who have ‘ears’
can understand Divine Mysteries (Rev. 2/7, 11). God has prophesied through
Daniel that in the End Times the evil men will not understand Divine mysteries
and Divine plans, but only those who have Wisdom will do so (Dan. 12/8-10). The
Word of God warns that it is in the End Times that satan deploys his evil plots
most and so it is at that time we need Wisdom most (Rev. 13/15-18, Rev.
17/7-9). But, since false prophets violate the First Commandment and embrace
this worldly knowledge as their truth, they lost Wisdom. Since they lost or do
not have ‘ears’ or Wisdom, all the Divine mysteries will remain unknown to
them. These things that will be justified only through the Wisdom of God will
be incomprehensible and unacceptable to the false prophets (Mt. 11/18-19).
5) The false prophets will not
repent so as to believe and accept the Word of God (Mat. 21:31-32) and
mysteries revealed through them since they have become hard-hearted due to the
deception of sin (Heb. 3/13). For them the Divine mysteries will be so hard
that they will not understand them (Jn. 6/60, 66).
The Catholic church or other mainstream churches do not speak about
these things that will happen in the End Times.
Priests and preachers in these churches do not preach about them. They
do not understand them. To the so called scholars in these churches, the
resurrection, transfiguration and the glorious manifestation of Emmanuel are
subjects of derision. When a person dies, they say, the End happens for him;
Jesus Christ comes everyday in the Mass and so there is no need to wait for him
in some End Time; he will come like a thief, and so we won’t be able to know
the time of his Coming from the signs of times. In all such ways today’s
priests and those who whitewash them blaspheme and slander against the Divine
mysteries about which they are ignorant.
Now when Zion preaches about these mysteries that will be fulfilled in
the appointed time in the End Times, these church priests bishops and preachers
who whitewash churches, slander them and persecute Zion believers.
God has warned about the destruction that is to befall these false
Now therefore do
not scoff, or your bonds will be made stronger; for I have heard a decree of
destruction from the Lord GOD of hosts upon the whole land (Is. 28/22).
… Through him
justification from all sins from which the Law of Moses was unable to justify
is being offered to every believer. 'So be careful -- or what the prophets say
will happen to you. Cast your eyes around you, mockers; be amazed, and perish!
For I am doing something in your own days that you would never believe if you
were told of it' (Acts 13/38-41).
Do not stifle the
Spirit or despise the gift of prophecy with contempt; test everything and hold
on to what is good and shun every form of evil (1 These.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will betray and renounce the truth that Jesus Christ (Emmanuel)
is the ONLY Saviour.
One of the greatest signs of the false prophets is that they will
reject Emmanuel.
2 Pet. 2/1 - As there were false prophets in the past
history of our people, so you too will have your false teachers, who will
insinuate their own disruptive views and, by disowning the Lord who bought them
freedom, will bring upon themselves speedy destruction.
a) Jesus Christ will be
rejected as the only Saviour.
The corner stone of the Christian faith is the belief that Emmanuel is
the only Saviour. False prophets will reject this this article of faith. They
will teach that anybody can be the ‘way’ and whatever be the ‘way’, all reach
at the same place (God). They will propagate the notion that having a
particular faith is immaterial or there is nothing called ‘true’ faith but what
matters is to lead a ‘good life’. This is irreligion or complacent belief.
For a true believer, salvation is eternal life. The Children of God
becoming holy like God the Father and living with God the Father, with their
transfigured divine body, in the glory of God is eternal life. But false
prophets will reject this salvation. For them salvation is the salvation of the
soul. For them heaven is merely a ‘state’ of the soul.
b) They will reject the
article of faith that God the Father whom ONLY Emmanuel reveals is the One True
For us there is
one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one
Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist. (1 Cor. 8/6)
Remember this and
consider, recall it to mind, you transgressors, remember the former things of
old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like
me. (Is. 46/8-9).
You are my
witnesses, says the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may
know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed,
nor shall there be any after me. I, I am the LORD, and besides me there is no
savior. (Is. 43/10-11)
But the LORD is
the true God; he is the living God and the everlasting King. At his wrath the
earth quakes, and the nations cannot endure his indignation. Thus shall you say
to them: The gods who did not make the heavens and the earth shall perish from
the earth and from under the heavens. (Jer. 10/10-11)
All things have
been handed over to me by my Father; and no one knows who the Son is except the
Father, or who the Father is except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses
to reveal him." (Lk. 10/22)
A project that satan brings in the end is religious syncretism. To
implement this he first brought
irreligion. This is the notion that all God-concepts, however different or
contradictory they are, are true and is one ‘God’. It is irrelavant what man
calls God or the way man perceives Him or what means he adopts to reach Him.
This teaching is irreligion. Those who have the Grace of God will renounce this
teaching (Tit. 2:11-13). But false prophets will propagate this teaching in the
End Times.
To believe in the One True God means to believe that He is the One
True God, ONLY His Words are true and it is impeitous to believe and obey those
sent by Him. But false prophets will reject the Word of God as it is written
and place human teachings and philosophies above the Word of God. Besides, they
will reject all the works that God did from the Beginning and is doing now. All
the works of God that are not palpable to their intellect and their
‘complacent’ belief will be rejected by them. Thus they reject God.
Only the Word that comes from God the Father is the Truth (Jn. 17/17).
There is nothing that is complementary, substitutable, comparable to the Word
of God. But false prophets will teach that all that man considers ‘sacred’ are
word of God and revelation of God. Thus it is the false prophets who will deny
the uniqueness of the Word of God and who compare what is false with the Truth
and adds empty words with the Word of God.
Today, the mainstream Christian churches are busy creating a syncretic
religion. It is the Catholic priests, popes, bishops and believers who
conducted multi-religious prayer at Assisi and visit and pray at non-Christian
centres of worship. It is the priests and scholars in Catholic church and other
Christian churches who teach that Emmanuel is not the only eternal Saviour and
there is eternal salvation everywhere. It is the Catholic church that has
rejected the Word of God through their exegeses and interpretations and that
has published ‘another bible’ by adding verses from other religious books (the
New Community Bible published by the Indian Catholic Church). It is the
Catholic and other churches that study non-Christian religious texts and teach
them in their seminaries. It is the head of the Catholic Church who teaches
that even if a person does not believe in God he will be saved.
But for Zion, there is ONLY one God – God the Father. Zion has only
ONLY one Saviour – Emperor Emmanuel. Zion has ONLY one Truth – the Word of God.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will present their whims and thoughts as prophesies.
False prophets will teach their own whims and thoughts as prophecies
from God.
The word of the
LORD came to me: Mortal, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who are
prophesying; say to those who prophesy out of their own imagination: "Hear
the word of the LORD!" Thus says the Lord GOD, Alas for the senseless
prophets who follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing! Your prophets have
been like jackals among ruins, O Israel. They have envisioned falsehood and
lying divination; they say, "Says the LORD," when the LORD has not
sent them, and yet they wait for the fulfillment of their word! Have you not
seen a false vision or uttered a lying divination, when you have said, "Says
the LORD," even though I did not speak? (Ezek. 13:1)
How can we know that the words of a preacher have come forth from
himself? If his words are contrary to the Word of God and against the Works of
God, those are his own thoughts. Those who have the heart to obey the Will of
God will not have his own likes and thoughts. The Words of God are written in
the Book of the Lord. So anyone who speaks against the Word of God speaks his
own whims and thoughts.
I have heard what
the prophets have said who prophesy lies in my name, saying, "I have
dreamed, I have dreamed!" How long? Will the hearts of the prophets ever
turn back-- those who prophesy lies, and who prophesy the deceit of their own
heart? They plan to make my people forget my name by their dreams that they
tell one another, just as their ancestors forgot my name for Baal. Let the
prophet who has a dream tell the dream, but let the one who has my word speak
my word faithfully. What has straw in common with wheat? says the LORD. Is not
my word like fire, says the LORD, and like a hammer that breaks a rock in
pieces? (Jer. 23/25-29)
God has given a way to know this.
You may say to
yourself, "How can we recognize a word that the LORD has not spoken?"
If a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD but the thing does not take place
or prove true, it is a word that the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has
spoken it presumptuously; do not be frightened by it. (Due. 18/21-22)
It is today’s catholic church and other Christian churches who teach
all sorts of human thoughts in the name of church tradition, church teachings,
teachings of the church Fathers, studies of modern psychology and practical
philosophies. Only in a truthful person, the Word of Truth dwells; in a liar,
only false-words dwell (Sir. 27/9).
That is why, Light (Truth) gives way to darkness (Ws. 7/30). That is why God
the Father always separates the Truth from lies. So God commands His Children
to be separated from all lies and the darkness of lies.
Do not be
mismatched with unbelievers. For what partnership is there between
righteousness and lawlessness? Or what fellowship is there between light and
darkness? What agreement does Christ have with Belial? Or what does a believer
share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For
we are the temple of the living God; as God said, "I will live in them and
walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
Therefore come out from them, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and
touch nothing unclean; then I will welcome you, and I will be your father, and
you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." (2 Cor. 6/14-18)
Zion teaches nothing but God wants. Only the Word of God is preached
in Zion.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
For there is no
truth in their mouths; their hearts are destruction; their throats are open
graves; they flatter with their tongues. (Ps. 5/9)
For we are not
peddlers of God's word like so many; but in Christ we speak as persons of
sincerity, as persons sent from God and standing in his presence. (2 Cor. 2/17)
Little children,
you are from God, and have conquered them; for the one who is in you is greater
than the one who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore what they
say is from the world, and the world listens to them. (1 Jn. 4/4-5)
For the time is
coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but having itching
ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires,
and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander away to myths. (2 Tim. 4/3-4)
False Prophets will flatter people
When we examine the Word of God we come to realize one fact. No
prophet whom God sent preached in order to please people, because, what they
sought was not self-glory nor glory from others, but the glory that comes from
God. Their only aim was to please God (1 These. 2/3-5, Gal. 1/10). God sent
these prophets because He was convinced that they would deliver His Words
without stain or distortion. Being faithful to God who sent them, these
prophets did not dilute the Word of God fearing what would people think or
would people get offended if they report to them what God commanded. All these
prophets exhorted and disciplined people in severely harsh words (e.g. Is.
1/2-6, Is. 6/8-9, Jer. 8/4-7, Lk. 3/7-8). Jesus Christ also did the same (Jn.
12/49-50, Mt. 23/13). Their words were meant to tear the hearts of the people
(Joel 2/12-13). That is why, the people of God always persecuted the prophets
sent by God (Lk. 6/22/23, Acts 7/51-52).
But the false prophets will always seek self-glory and mutual glory
and so will flatter people and speak in such a manner as to please people. As a
result, people will seek such preachers and will praise them (2 Tim. 4/3-4, Lk.
6/24-26). False prophets will praise people in order to be applauded by them.
Ps. 5/9 - For
there is no truth in their mouths; their hearts are destruction; their throats
are open graves; they flatter with their tongues.
Today, bishops, priests, pastors and preachers in the mainstream
churches give out teachings that are pleasing and appealing to the multitude.
They employ styles and techniques and phrases that are soothing and thrilling
to the itching ears.
But, the preaching done at Zion is given to discipline and traine
people in the holiness of God. The greatest hope of Zion is that they will
become like God the Father (1 Jn. 3/1-3). So they are in a strict training and
discipline in order to become as holy and perfect as God the Father is (Mt.
5/48, Heb. 12/6-11). Preaching that pleases the flesh or mind that is immersed
in worldly pleasures and desires, has no place in Zion. Zion has no compromise
in declaring that sin must be shunned at all cost and without delay. Zion has
been given great and Heavenly promises by God so that She participate in God’s
glory and greatness (2 Pet. 1/4). Zion seeks this only glory. Zion takes pride
in the knowledge that their Lord Emmanuel is the Lord who shows compassion,
righteousness and justice on earth (Jer. 9/24). Zion believers take pride and
rejoice in their belief that their Lord Emmanuel, One who is to Rule the world
with an iron rode, has already come on this earth (Col. 1/26-27, 1 Pet. 5-8).
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets adulterate and sell the Word of God
True prophets always consider what they have (possessions or talents
or whatever it is) as waste and give them up for God (Phil. 3/7-8). But the
false prophets will be slaves of covetousness (1 Thes. 2/5). As a result, they
will brood all sorts of evil (1 Tim. 6/9-10).
2 Cor. 2/17 - For we are not
peddlers of God's word like so many; but in Christ we speak as persons of
sincerity, as persons sent from God and standing in his presence.
Today, preaching the Gospel has become a means of amassing wealth for
many. The Word of God stipulates that one who works is eligible for wages (1
Tim. 5/18) and that one who studies the Word of God must give a share of all
the good things he has to his teacher (Gal. 6/6). But, God made this provision
in order to make those who are sent to preach the Gospel free for Divine
The Lord, the model and guide of the Church, was born in a manger and
subdued satan who presented before him the wealth and glory of this world. Thus
Jesus won over this world (Lk. 4/5-6, Jn. 16/33). Jesus Christ, who emptied
himself, asked his disciples to be servants and devoid of this worldly wealth.
However, with 2000 years of ‘preaching’ Christian churches have become
the wealthiest class in the world. By ‘sharing’ the Word of God, many pastors
secured a place in the list of wealthiest people in the world. Churches run
institutions by selling the Word of God. All these institutes churn out people
who live only for this world (1 Cor. 15/19). All these institutions made these
Churches materially wealthy. If these Churches had been giving true Word of
God, the world would have hated them (Jn. 15/18-19).
On the other hand, Zion has not amassed any wealth using the Word of
God. Instead, Zion believers immerse themselves in the Divine Service giving up
all their claims to material wealth. For this worldly life, Zion does not
distort the Word of God. The Zion believers know that their true citizenship is
in Heaven. They wait for Emmanuel as their Saviour who comes from Heaven and
for the Salvation that he gives (Phil. 3/20-21). It is a Flock that believes
that the Day of the Lord, when this world and everything on it will be burned
up, is very near and obeying the Word of God works to hasten that Day (2 Pet.
3/10-12). They believe that their Lord, Emmanuel, who takes them along to the
dwelling places He has prepared in the New Earth, has already come to this
earth (Jn. 14:1-3). So Zion does not live or work for the ephemeral life in
this world. Zion does not run any institution that is a means for amassing
wealth on this world.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
7. The False Prophets will be listened and loved
by the world.
Since the true prophets preaches the true Word of God, the world will
hate them and turn their ears from them (Jn. 17/14). But the world will eagerly
listen to the words of the false prophets.
1 Jn. 2/2-5 - By this you know
the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in
the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from
God. And this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it
is coming; and now it is already in the world. Little children, you are from
God, and have conquered them; for the one who is in you is greater than the one
who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore what they say is from
the world, and the world listens to them.
Why does the world pay attention to the false prophets? The world
listens to them because, these false prophets speak what is pleasing and
precious to the world. But what is precious to the world is abominous to God
(Lk. 16/15). It is because the false prophets speak things that people, who
have put their expectations only on this worldly life, would like to hear (1 Cor. 15/19). Since
these false prophets preach things that are suitable to the philosophies of
this world, but unacceptable to Jesus Christ, they have become the darlings of
people (Col. 2/28). These false prophets are not of Emmanuel, because they are
of the world (Jn. 15/18-19). The world will gather the false prophets who
preach things that are pleasing to the ears.
2 Tim. 4/3-4 - For the time is
coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but having itching
ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires,
and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander away to myths.
Who are the preachers who are revered and sought after now a days?
Which churches do these preachers represent? All the preachers from the
Catholic church and other churches and denominations are great trademarks that
vouch the presence of multitudes in galleries and retreat centres. In many
places, unless the names of such trade mark preachers are displayed, no one
will come for retreats or conventions. People go after these so called
preachers in the expectation of getting something from them for this worldly
life. A good job, life in a wealthy foreign country, a wealthy husband/wife,
good house, repay the debt, healing, cessation of alcohol consumption are some
examples of such marketing techniques these false prophets use. Christian
churches are filled with such wonder-workers. Today’s church scholars embellish
their preaching with anecdotes from non-Christian religious texts, literary
works, popular psychology books and ancient legends in order to make people
laugh and thrill them. The world holds high such preachers and priests who have
become this worldly men and bow before them as ‘Fathers’, ‘holy’, ‘mar (which
means god or lord), and wise men. The present pope who teaches that he will not
pass judgement on a homosexual priest and any one who does not even believe in
God will be saved has become the apple of the eye of the world. So he is named
as the Man of the Year by the Times magazine and by many other magazines.
Surely, he is loved by the world and it listens to him.
But none of these things are in the Emperor Emmanuel Church. In Zion,
only the Word of God is preached as and when God the Father gives it. Word of
God is not preached in Zion for worldly needs or to gain glory in this world.
Here no one preaches what is pleasing to the ears. Instead, the Word of God is
explained so that the Children of God is trained in holiness. What is being
preached here is the true Good News of the Kingdom of God, that will provide
eternal life. Zion has fellowship only with God (1 Jn. 1/1-3). Zion gives
Divine hope about God’s promises and does not encourage people to expect
pleasures and fortunes in this world. Zion does not love this worldly life or
things nor teach about this worldly things. Instead, what the Children of God
hear in Zion is what God wants to say about the life to come, the Glorious
Manifestation of Emmanuel and the eternal Salvation that they will get when the
Lord Emmanuel manifests (Phil. 3/20-21). Zion is the only Flock in the world
that awaits both Emmanuel as Saviour and God the Father. Since what is being
preached at Zion is the true Word of God, it is impalpable and disturbing to
the world. The Word of God warns that whoever receives the true Word of God
will be hated by the world (Jn. 17/14). Those who belong to the Emmanuel will
be hated by this world (Jn. 15/18-19). So the world that is led by evil, hates
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False prophets will commit evils and abominations
A tree can be known from its fruits. Since the true prophets who are
sent in the End times are led by the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of the Son of
God and the Holy Spirit and are under the dominion of Grace, they will not
commit sins (Ws. 7/27, Ws. 7/30, Eph. 1/17). On the other hand, the false
prophets will be the breeding houses of all sorts of evils.
2 Pet. 2/1, 13,14 - But false
prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers
among you, who will secretly bring in destructive opinions… They count it a
pleasure to revel in the daytime. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in
their dissipation while they feast with you. They have eyes full of adultery,
insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls. They have hearts trained in
greed. Accursed children!
The bishops and priests in which churches are facing charges in
various courts in the world for crimes of adultery and pedophilia? Which
Churches have paid millions of dollars as compensation to the victims of their
sexual harassment? How many people in the world might have kept quiet about the
sexual torments they underwent in the hands of priests and bishops and are
suffering now? Priests from which Churches are caught red hand while committing
adultery in cars in broad day light? Which Church housed a bishop who was
caught for ‘purging’ the bishop’s house of all ‘evils’ with the menstrual blood
of a young woman who lived with him? ‘Holy Fathers’ of which Church have been
alleged, as history testifies, to have turned their palaces into harlotry and
centers of sexual games? Priests of which Churches have become addicts of
alcohol? Priests and bishops of which Churches have seduced many woman who are
prone to evil and made them slaves of sin? Which Churches have amassed huge
wealth in this world by doing all sorts of business? Priests and bishops of
which Churches have been alleged to have conducted satan worship in their
mansions? Priests and bishops of which Churches are said to be agents of
Those who have been watching news for the last few years will know the
answers to these questions.
But in Zion preachers you do not find these evils. Zion has the strong
conviction that Emmanuel comes only to those who have turned away from all
sorts of evils. Zion, which is insulted and humiliated only for their faith in
Emmanuel has given up this worldly honour and has no other aim but to be holy.
One can know it from the fruits.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False prophets will walk in the way of Cain, fall in the sin of Balaam and will
be destroyed in the revolt of Korah.
False prophets commit and make others commit three evils that are not
forgiven (Jud. 1/11). Because these are sins against the Holy Spirit. Cain is
one who was rejected by God for offering what is evil to God. Today what false
prophets teach people and made people to do for all these years is this same
evil. What must be offered to God must to blemishless and what is good in us.
The true worship that God wants is that we offer our bodies as a living
sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God (Rom. 12/1). But in today’s Christian
Churches offer God all sorts of their evils that satan gave them on the altar.
At the same time, they surrender the good things that God gave them (what ever
good we have is a gift from God) to satan. How would you feel if an orphaned
child, whom you loved very much and took care of and gave good education and
helped to get a good job, comes back home from her job in a foreign land and
present to you the packet which contained her excretions as a gift? Well,
people are ‘trained’ by priests to do the same to God in Mass in today’s
Christian churches. Besides, Cain is the one who hated and killed his brother
because his deeds were evil and that of his brother was good (1 Jn. 3/12). This
was what the Jewish priests did to Jesus Christ and this is what the present
day priests do to Emmanuel and His brethren.
Balaam is the one who wanted the reward of evil (2 Pet. 2/15-16). For
material benefits Balaam came to curse those who were blessed by God. False
prophets also try to curse and persecute those whom God has blessed. More over,
false prophets will be servants of Mammon (wealth). To get wealth, they misuse
the grace and position that God gave them through Jesus Christ.
Korah and companions were those who spoke against and gathered people
against those sent by God (Num. 16/1-3). Since they blasphemed against the
Spirit of Wisdom that worked in Moses, God destroyed those evil men along with
all that they had, just as Moses had cursed them (Num. 16/30-33). Or rather,
the Spirit of Wisdom that dwelled in Moses destroyed them. But, today’s false
prophets commit more heinous evil by speaking and working against those sent by
God in these End Times. This is so because, in those sent by God in the End
Times, both the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Son of God and the Spirit of
Wisdom dwell and work. Those who commit sins against these three Spirits will
not be forgiven in this age or the Age to come.
It is the priests and bishops in the present Christian Churches, who
commit these three sins. What people offer on the altars in these Churches are
their evils and abominations. It is the clergy in these Churches who, following
the footsteps of Balaam, have amassed wealth in this world. Look at the
institutions run by these Churches. All these institutions are places where the
church leaders have gathered wealth by selling the brand ‘we are priests’ or
‘we are nuns’. It is this same priests and bishops who do not acknowledge the
fact that God has sent His Prophets in these End Times and so let loose all
sorts of violence against those sent by God. They reject those sent by God.
These priests blaspheme against the Sprit of God that works in those sent by
God. Thus they commit sin against the Holy Spirit.
But, Emperor Emmanuel Church do not commit these sins. Zion does not
‘sell’ the Word of God to amass wealth in this world. Zion does not run any
institutions that mint money. Zion does not misuse the Word, Wisdom and Grace
that God the Father has given them for this worldly needs and thus commit the
sin of Balaam. Zion does not offer their evils and sins at the altar, as the
Catholic Church does. Zion Children are able to discern and receive those sent
by God. Zion reveres the works of God that are done through those sent by God
and subject themselves these Works of God.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will prophesy in the name of Baal and thus lead people astray.
True prophets will prophesy the Words of God in God’s Name. All the
prophets sent by God spoke after declaring ‘thus Says the Lord’. But false
prophets will speak in the name of what is not God (Jer. 23/13). False prophets
will be speaking in the name of the concepts of God that are contrary and alien
to the true Christian faith. Today, the subjects of study and meditation for
many Christian priests and bishops are non-Christian faiths and philosophies.
Many bishops and priests have their doctorates in such topics. Their speeches
and books are filled with such topics. The people also want such kind of
speeches. It is the priests and scholars of today’s Christian churches who
teach non-Christian philosophies and beliefs in their formation houses.
But, Zion speak only in the Name of God. In Zion, it is the Spirit of
the Son of God who speaks. It is the Voice of God that is echoed in Zion. Those
who have the heart to do the Will of God will have the gift of discernment and
they will know that what is preached in Zion is the Word of God (Jn. 7:16-17).
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will support the evil doers so that no one turns from wickedness
Jer. 23/14 - But in the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen
a more shocking thing: they commit adultery and walk in lies; they strengthen
the hands of evildoers, so that no one turns from wickedness; all of them have
become like Sodom to me, and its inhabitants like Gomorrah.
God sent His prophets in order to rebuke the people of God and turn
them from their sins and evil doings. Thus the purpose of these true prophets
were to prepare the people of God to receive the Saviour and the Salvation God
has prepared for them. But since false prophets seek self-glory and mutual
glory they will give out teachings that are pleasing to people. Since they are
not from God, they will not exhort the
people of God to give up evils and wickedness. Instead, they will support
people in their wicked ways (Jer. 23/21-22).
Here we must make a distinction. Many false prophets will appear to be
exhorting people to ‘do good’ and shun ‘evils’. But their ‘good’ and ‘evil’ are
so only from a human perspective. What the Word of God considers good is truly
good and what the Word of God decides as evil is evil. Two sins for which
greatest punishment will be meted out, are the violation of the First
Commandment (Mk. 12/29-30) and the rejection of the Word of God (Is. 5/20-24).
The people of God are zealously indulging in these two sins (Jer. 2/13). False
prophets are the guides and patrons of people in these two sins.
These acts are done by many in the Catholic Church and other Christian
churches. Many of the evils that people indulge in are supported by the clergy.
First Commandment is violated in these Churches and priests exhort people to
do. The Word of God is relativised, adulterated through various
interpretations, put in chains through the Church teachings by these priests.
These Churches have added words from other books with the Word of God and thus
made themselves liars (Prov. 30/5). They take each word of man, be it
philosophers or religious thinkers or men of literature, very seriously, but
try all means to reject the Word of God in the name of interpretations.
Emperor Emmanuel Church does not do any such acts. What Zion teaches
people is about the importance of the obedience of the First Commandment. Zion
is ruled by the Word of God. (See the article Zion and the Word of God.) Zion
adores the Word of God, Emmanuel. Zion views the Word of God with the highest
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will prophesy a pseudo-peace in the End Times, when they
actually do not have true peace.
Jer. 23/17-18 - They keep saying to those who despise the
Word of the LORD, "It shall be well with you"; and to all who
stubbornly follow their own stubborn hearts, they say, "No calamity shall
come upon you." For who has stood in the council of the LORD so as to see
and to hear his word? Who has given heed to his word so as to proclaim it?
Only those who receive the grace of God in the End of Ages will have
true peace. It is Emmanuel who gives this peace and not the world. The Son of
God has spoken that the peace that comes from Him is not like the so called
peace of the world. He also teaches the way to get this peace. The Children of
God gets this peace by believing in Emmanuel and by reconciling with God the
Father through Emmanuel (Jn. 14/27-29). Those who do not receive Emmanuel, who
has come again in flesh now will not have true peace. To the unbelievers the
Son of God has come not with peace but with the sword (Lk. 12:51-53).
Today, the greatest project of satan in this world is creating
‘peace’. For this he makes a pseudo-face of peace by a religious syncretism.
Though it appears to be peaceful outside, deep inside all sorts of hatred and
suspicion dwells. In the End Times, false prophets will come to the forefront
declaring a false peace when actually there is no peace. The greatest agenda
implemented after the Second Vatican Council in the Catholic Church has been
‘dialogue’ with everyone. But in this project, the church has had no qualms to
dilute and often reject outright the belief in the One True God, the belief in
Jesus Christ (Emmanuel) as the only eternal Saviour and the belief in the Word
of God as the only Truth.
The Word of God makes it clear that these false prophets are the
church leaders themselves.
Ezek. 13/9-10 - My hand will be
against the prophets who see false visions and utter lying divinations; they
shall not be in the council of my people, nor be enrolled in the register of
the house of Israel, nor shall they enter the land of Israel; and you shall
know that I am the Lord GOD. Because, in truth, because they have misled my
people, saying, "Peace", when there is no peace; and because, when
the people build a wall, these prophets smear whitewash on it.
Is. 3/12 - My people - children
are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, your leaders
mislead you, and confuse the course of your paths.
The church scholars usually teach that these things are about the
priests and prophets in the olden days. But the Word of God clearly states that
this proclamation of the false prophets about a pseudo-peace takes place in the
End Times.
1 Thes. 5/3 - When they say,
"There is peace and security," then sudden destruction will come upon
them, as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and there will be no escape!
Acts 20/28-30 - Keep watch over
yourselves and over all the flock, of which the Holy Spirit has made you
overseers, to shepherd the church of God that he obtained with the blood of his
own Son. I know that after I have gone, savage wolves will come in among you,
not sparing the flock. Some even from your own group will come distorting the
truth in order to entice the disciples to follow them.
It is the Catholic Church and other Christian Churches who have
rejected Emmanuel who brings peace by reconciling the Children of God with God. They conduct peace meetings and prayers by
joining with those who do not believe in the One True God. (The all-religious
meet at Assisi organized by the Catholic Church is an example of this). It is
these Christian Churches who declare peace to people though they have despised
the Word of God.
But the Emperor Emmanuel Church does not do so. Zion has already found
its peace in God the Father and Emmanuel, who has come again. Peace to Zion has
already been declared by God.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
Jer. 23/19-20 - Look, the storm
of the LORD! Wrath has gone forth, a whirling tempest; it will burst upon the
head of the wicked. The anger of the LORD will not turn back until he has
executed and accomplished the intents of his mind. In the latter days you will
understand it clearly.
This Word of God speaks about the wrath of God that is to befall these
people in the Day of the Lord in the End of Ages. The one who declares peace is
proved to be sent by God only when what he prophesied takes place (Jer. 28/9).
But those who reject the Son of God and have fallen into the slavery of sin and
satan, true peace will always remain a mirage. What awaits them is the horror
and destruction of the Day of the Lord.
False Prophets will not stand before God to listen to His Words.
True prophets stand in the Presence of God and wait for His Words.
They echo the Word of God as and when it is given to them. But false prophets
will not wait in the presence of God for His Words, with humility, repentance
and trembling at heart (Is. 66/2). So they will not preach the Word of God and
turn people away from their evil ways.
Jer. 23/18-20 - For who has
stood in the council of the LORD so as to see and to hear his word? Who has
given heed to his Word so as to proclaim it? Look, the storm of the LORD! Wrath
has gone forth, a whirling tempest; it will burst upon the head of the wicked.
The anger of the LORD will not turn back until he has executed and accomplished
the intents of his mind. In the latter days you will understand it clearly. I
did not send the prophets, yet they ran; I did not speak to them, yet they
prophesied. But if they had stood in my council, then they would have
proclaimed my words to my people, and they would have turned them from their
evil way, and from the evil of their doings.
If these false prophets do not stand in the presence of God for His
Words, where do the teachings which they claim to be coming from God, originate
form? These false prophets keep awake at night and toil in various universities
to listen to the theologies that man, who is only worth the grass in the field,
manufacture. They drool over the books of the philosophers, who do not even
have faith in the One True God, to imbibe every word they uttered. They wander
in the worship centers and study houses of ‘scholars’, who do not have the true
Christian faith, in order to ‘experience’ such faiths that are alien to Jesus
Christ. They chew and eat all non-Christian philosophy books and earn
doctorates in such books. It is in these ways that the false prophets ‘acquire’
teachings that are sold as ‘enlightened’ teachings.
Priests and scholars of which Churches indulge in these apostate
deeds? These priests and scholars belong to the Catholic Church and other
Christian Churches.
But, Zion does not do so. Zion stands before God with great zeal and
prayer for His Word and preaches it as and when God wants it to do so. Zion
does not have any other source for its preaching other than the Word of God.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False prophets will call the Word of God a burden.
The Word of God testifies that those who love God will obey His Words
and that His Words are not heavy (1 Jn. 5/3). But the false prophets will say
that the Word of God and His Commandments are burdensome and that one cannot
obey them as they are written.
Jer. 23/36-40 - But "the
burden of the LORD" you shall mention no more, for the burden is
everyone's own word, and so you pervert the Words of the living God, the LORD
of hosts, our God. Thus you shall ask the prophet, "What has the LORD
answered you?" or "What has the LORD spoken?" But if you say,
"the burden of the LORD," thus says the LORD: Because you have said
these words, "the burden of the LORD," when I sent to you, saying,
You shall not say, "the burden of the LORD," therefore, I will surely
lift you up and cast you away from my presence, you and the city that I gave to
you and your ancestors. And I will bring upon you everlasting disgrace and
perpetual shame, which shall not be forgotten.
False prophets are unwilling to obey the Word of God as it is written.
So they will lean on to modern psychology and philosophy to teach that the Word
of God need not be taken as it is written. They will put forward many ‘liberal
thinking’ in order to make the Word of God meaningless by diluting and
adulterating it. “The Word of God was written by human hands and so there are
human thoughts in it; the Word of God was written in a culture and at a
particular era and so the limitations of that culture and epoch are there in
the Word of God; one should see the meaning of the Word of God only on the
basis of the language in which the Word of God was written down; the Word of
God is merely the faith experience of a particular people and there are many
such experiences; certain Words of God are merely poems or stories and so as a
poem or a story they should be interpreted; certain Words of God are borrowed
from some folklores, some others from ghost stories, still some others from
some detective stories; many Words of God are mere hyperbolic expressions by
the prophets” etc. are the teachings of these false prophets. Through such
teachings they make the Word of God meaningless.
Let us examine and see priests who belonging to which Churches are
engaged in these kinds of acts. These kinds of teachings are produced by
priests in the Catholic Church and some other Christian churches. Zion does not
give any such teachings. Zion does not say that the Word of God is a burden but
humbly accepts the Word of God as it is written. Zion takes pride in the Word
of God and is convinced that even if the heaven and earth pass away, the Word
of God will not pass away.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False prophets will place their empty trust in the Church.
The sole hope of the false prophets will not be in God, but in their
Church. But they do not know that it is an empty hope.
Jer. 7/8-14 - Here you are,
trusting in deceptive words to no avail. Will you steal, murder, commit
adultery, swear falsely, make offerings to Baal, and go after other gods that
you have not known, and then come and stand before me in this house, which is
called by my name, and say, "We are safe!"-- only to go on doing all
these abominations? Has this house, which is called by my name, become a den of
robbers in your sight? You know, I too am watching, says the LORD. Go now to my
place that was in Shiloh, where I made my name dwell at first, and see what I
did to it for the wickedness of my people Israel. And now, because you have done
all these things, says the LORD, and when I spoke to you persistently, you did
not listen, and when I called you, you did not answer, therefore I will do to
the house that is called by my name, in which you trust, and to the place that
I gave to you and to your ancestors, just what I did to Shiloh.
Today, we can see this characteristics in all false prophets. More
than God and God’s Words, these false prophets adore their Church and their
Church heads. The greatest commandment that God has given is the First
Commandment (Mk. 12/29-32). This is the Commandment that one must obey to
attain eternal life. But today, many Churches, especially the Catholic Church,
violate and teach people to violate this Commandment. They teach that all
god-concepts that man has created are true. Violating the smallest of the
Commandments of God is equal to violating all the Commandments (Jam. 2/10-12,
Mt. 5/17-19). If so, what will be the punishment of violating the First and the
foremost Commandment of God (Is 5:20-24). These Churches have rejected the Word
of God and the gates of hell has prevailed against them. The Holy Spirit has
been withdrawn from these Churches. The Sign of Jonah – the Declaration that
these Churches will be destroyed – has been given to these Churches. The Son of
God, Emmanuel, will manifest in glory OUT SIDE these Churches (Mt. 25:1-6).
But, in spite of all these, false prophets still slavishly subject themselves
to these churches and take pledge that they will not even think against these
Churches. They place their trust in the wealth of these churches, the name that
these churches have carved out for themselves in this world, the prosperity
that this world gave to these churches and the ‘security’ these churches give
them. Though lies have heaped in the teachings of these churches and no man is
infallible, these false prophets swear on the infallibility of the pope.
Today, the greatest idol for many preachers and priests is their
respective Church. Anything that is loved feared and obeyed more than God is an
idol. For these so called scholars, the criterion by which they evaluate the
veracity and authenticity of a teaching is whether it agrees with the Church
magisterium or not. They do not examine whether what Church teaches is contrary
to the Word of God or not. They reject anyone who preaches the Word of God who
does not own a certificate form the bishop.
The promise that God has given His Children is eternal life (1 Jn.
2/25). He has testified that this eternal life is in His Son Emmanuel, who
comes to this earth again in flesh (1 Jn. 5/10-12). The guarantee for those who
believe in Emmanuel is eternal life. Those who adore the Church or put their
trust in the church does not have this guarantee. The apostles preached the
Word of God so that those who hear it and believe it will have fellowship with
God the Father and the Son and thus get eternal life (1 Jn. 1/1-3). But the
Holy Spirit has prophesied that wolves – false prophets who would lead the
people of God to destruction – will come among the bishops and priests (Acts
But Emperor Emmanuel Church places its sole trust in God the Father,
Emmanuel, the only Saviour, the Holy Spirit the Helper and Holy Mother. Zion
neither trusts in any one else nor teach to do so.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will whitewash – justify and cover up the evils - the fort,
which is the Church.
False prophets are those who whitewash the Fort. By ‘fort’ God the
Father means the Church. They will justify and whitewash Churches even if false
teachings come out from these churches and things get rotten in these Churches
due to the evils and abominations committed by many in the clergy and the
This act of whitewashing is not something that took place in the past.
The Word of God says that the false prophets do not repair the church for the
final battle with satan before the Day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord,
described by so many prophets and apostles comes in the End of Ages.
Ezekiel 13:1 - The word of the
LORD came to me: Mortal, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who are
prophesying; say to those who prophesy out of their own imagination: "Hear
the word of the LORD!" Thus says the Lord GOD, Alas for the senseless
prophets who follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing! Your prophets have
been like jackals among ruins, O Israel. You have not gone up into the
breaches, or repaired a wall for the house of Israel, so that it might stand in
battle on the day of the LORD. … Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: In my wrath
I will make a stormy wind break out, and in my anger there shall be a deluge of
rain, and hailstones in wrath to destroy it. I will break down the wall that
you have smeared with whitewash, and bring it to the ground, so that its
foundation will be laid bare; when it falls, you shall perish within it; and
you shall know that I am the LORD. Thus I will spend my wrath upon the wall,
and upon those who have smeared it with whitewash; and I will say to you, The
wall is no more, nor those who smeared it.
It is clear that here the Word of God is talking about the church
leaders and preachers in these churches.
The greatest evils are the violation of the First Commandment and the
rejection of the Word of God (Jer. 2/13). Today’s Churches commit both these as
if they are doing an honourable thing. Many media reports of the adultery,
homosexuality, pedophilia and many such evils that reign supreme in innumerable
priests and bishops have already come out. Still false prophets whitewash these
Churches instead of purging them. They justify such evil priests by asking,
‘Are not priests human beings?’, ‘Are they not coming from ordinary families?’
etc. The Word of God testifies that God has so far not given infallibility to
any human being. But many false prophets teach that the pope has infallibility.
They inject the delusion into people that no harm will come to the Catholic
Church, though evil rules over many priests and church leaders and the gates of
hell have already prevailed against the Church. Most Church authorities have
tried to cover up the sexual atrocities committed by priests and bishops. A
generation that whitewashes priests to such an extend has never come on the
face of this earth. The present pope pleading thousands of people who, by being
suffocated with the stink of the sexual crimes committed by priests, deserted
the Catholic Church in Germany.
But, God the Father always separates light from darkness. God has
commanded His people not to participate in the empty works of darkness but to
expose them (Eph. 5/11). He has ordered His Children not join the unbelievers
and those who are in the darkness of evil but to be separated from them (2 Cor.
6/14-18). This is what Zion does. Zion calls Light as light and darkness as
darkness (Is. 5/20). Zion does not whitewash the Church. Instead, Zion stands
on the side of God and reveals the evils and abominations committed by Churches
in the name of God. This is done to facilitate the formation of a righteous
mind in the Children of God and to warn them not to commit such evils
themselves (2 Pet. 2/7-8, 2 Pet. 2/6). Zion declares that churches that have
become apostate are all rejected by God.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will reject the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in flesh.
True prophets are sent in the End Times to pave way for the Son of God
who comes again in flesh and to lead the people of God to the Salvation that
they will get through Emmanuel (1 Pet. 1/5, Heb. 9/28, Phil. 3/20-21). God the
Father prepares His Children in these End Times through His prophets so that
His Children receive eternal life, which He has promised and has now sent
through Emmanuel (1 Jn. 5/10-12). These prophets are sent in order to serve the
Firstborns of God so that they are prepared enough to receive the Son of Man in
his Glorious Manifestation (1 Pet. 1/10-12). God has now revealed the mystery
that He had kept hidden for ages, through the Prophetic Writings (Rom. 16/26,
Amos 3/7). The fulfillment of all the Salvific Works of God is in Emmanuel.
When the Children of God attains eternal life, the works of God the Father, the
Son of God, the Holy Spirit and Holy Mother are fulfilled (Is. 64/4, Jn. 5/17,
Eph. 1/14, 2/22, Ws. 9/9-10).
Jesus Christ exhorted those who live in the End Times to know His
Coming from the Signs of the Times (Mt. 24/32-35). The Second Coming and the
final Glorious Manifestation of the Son of God are not one and the same
incident. There is a short time span between the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
and His Glorious Manifestation. The Holy Spirit declares categorically that for
those who do not stay asleep but are awake and who are the children of the
Light, instead of being the children of darkness, the Son of God will not come
as a thief (Rev. 3/3, 1 Thes. 5/2-5).
Jesus Christ had prophesied that the Sign of Jonah will be given to the
Churches to herald His Second Coming. This Sign of Jonah, which is the
declaration that churches will be destroyed by God, has already been given. The
greatest sign that the Holy Spirit has given is the apostasy of the Christian
Churches (2 Thes. 2/3-4). Apostasy has already taken place in Christian
Churches from the top to the bottom. What is now remaining is merely the
external paraphernalia of faith.
But, false prophets will reject the Second Coming of the Son of God
and His Glorious Manifestation.
2 Pet. 3/3-7 - First of all you
must understand this, that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and
indulging their own lusts and saying, "Where is the promise of his coming?
For ever since our ancestors died, all things continue as they were from the
beginning of creation!" They deliberately ignore this fact, that by the
word of God heavens existed long ago and an earth was formed out of water and
by means of water, through which the world of that time was deluged with water
and perished. But by the same word the present heavens and earth have been
reserved for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the
These false prophets will despise the Signs of the Times by teaching
people that the Lord will come like a thief and not even the Son of God knows
‘that day’. Similarly, they will reject the Coming of God the Father and the
destruction of the earth that will take place then (2 Pet. 3/10-12). They will
teach that with each one’s death ‘his world ends’. So they will take up the
responsibility of safeguarding this earth, which is destined for destruction by
Today, those who are engaged in such teachings are priests and
preachers in the Catholic Church and some other Churches. It is they who reject
the Second Coming of the Son of God. These Church scholars reject the truth
that Jesus Christ has come again in flesh and that His Name is Emmanuel. This
proves that they are already judged for condemnation (Jn. 1/12, Jn. 3/18). By
teaching that Emmanuel will not reign as Emperor, they reject His Kingship and
despise His Scepter (Rev. 12/1-2,5, Rev. 19/16). The punishment for those who
do so is described in Ezekiel 21/9-13. These false prophets approach God the
Father with the petition that they don’t want to be ruled by Emmanuel. Jesus
Christ has already prophesied about their destruction in the Parable of Ten
Talents (Lk. 19/11-14).
But Emperor Emmanuel Church believes and confesses that Jesus Christ
has come again in flesh, His Name is Emmanuel, He will manifest in glory, He
will rule all people with an iron rod and He will pass His righteous Judgement.
Zion believes that God the Father will come, this earth and everything on it
will be burnt up and they will inherit the New Earth that God has promised
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will misuse the grace given to them for their evil and impure
God the Father gave His grace through His Son Emmanuel (Jn. 1/17).
Emmanuel is the only Mediator of Grace (1 Tim. 2/5). We got the grace of the
forgiveness of sins through the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross and His
Resurrection. We will get the fullness of Grace – immeasurable Grace – only at
His Glorious Manifestation (1 Pet. 1/10-13).
But false prophets will not speak about the Grace that the Children of
God will receive. Instead, they misuse the grace they got for their evil lives.
They take advantage of their position as priests and bishops for their glory,
to amass wealth, to commit evils and to get pleasure in this world.
Jud. 1/4 - For certain intruders have stolen in among
you, people who long ago were designated for this condemnation as ungodly, who
pervert the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and
Lord, Jesus Christ.
We need to find out priests and leaders of which Churches are engaged
in such acts. Today confessional in the Catholic Church is one of the places
that is misused most. Many priests find ways and means to commit sins through
their ‘penitential services’. There are many priests who ask people, who
approach them for confession, for all the details of their sexual sins in order
to enjoy listening to them. Many Churches attract people to their institutions
by advertising that those institutions are run by so and so ‘fathers’ and
It is easy to find out which Churches manufacture false prophets.
These Churches deny the Divine truth that Jesus Christ (Emmanuel) is the only
Saviour and there is no other Way to reach God or to be saved. This act of
apostasy is committed by the Catholic Church and many other Christian Churches.
But, Zion does not misuse the grace God the Father has bestowed on it
in these End Times. Zion does not deny Jesus Christ, but proclaims that Jesus
Christ (Emmanuel is the only Saviour).
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will come in the disguise of ‘apostles’.
In the End Times false prophets will come not as messengers of satan,
but as ministers of Righteousness and as angels of light.
2 Cor. 11/13-15 - For such boasters are false apostles,
deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder!
Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is not strange if his
ministers also disguise themselves as ministers of righteousness. Their end will
match their deeds.
These false prophets will disguise as sheep but will speak like
serpents for the antichrist (Rev. 13/11-12). The Son of God asks His brethren
to discern such false apostles and keep away from them (Rev. 2/2). Jesus Christ
gave us warnings about such false prophets who would come in the guise of
sheep, 2000 years ago.
Mt. 7/15-20 - "Beware of false prophets, who come to
you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by
their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? In the
same way, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A
good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree
that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you
will know them by their fruits.
The Holy Spirit through Paul speaks of the evil fruits they will
2 Cor. 11/2-4 - I feel a divine jealousy for you, for I
promised you in marriage to one husband, to present you as a chaste virgin to
Christ. But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by its cunning, your
thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if
someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from
the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you submit to it readily enough.
‘Another gospel’ mentioned here is a gospel that is contrary to the
true Word of God written down under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
‘Another spirit’ pointed out by the Holy Spirit is the spirit of the
antichrist. Today, the Catholic Church and some other mainstream Churches
delude people and keep ignorant people under their subjugation by teaching that
anyone whose preaching is contrary to the teachings of those Churches preach
‘another gospel’. By this they prevent people from examining and discerning
whether those very Churches have been teaching ‘another gospel’ especially for
the last half a century.
Today, most priests and scholars of those Churches are led by the
Spirit of the antichrist. To speak like the serpent means to speak lies and
deceive people. What are lies? Any teaching that is contrary to the eternal
Truth written in the Word of God is a lie or a false-word. Jesus Christ has pointed out to us that satan is the
liar or the arch-deciever. Satan deceived Eve and through that snatched away
all that God had given to His Children by telling lies (2 Cor. 11/3). Today
also, satan deceives people by teaching lies. Satan does it through false
prophets. Who are the liars? Those who add their own words or words from other
books to the Word of God are the liars (Prov. 30/5-6).
The Catholic Church and many other Churches give teachings that are
contrary to the written Word of God. To facilitate the rejection and
adulteration of the Word of God, these Churches have resorted to Bible
interpretations and exegeses. Through this they preach ‘another gospel’. It is
these Churches who preach a gospel that is contrary to the one preached by the
apostles. It is the priests and scholars of these Churches who speak like the
serpent. The Son of God, Emmanuel, will vindicate this fact in the appropriate
time. It is those Churches who have churned out volumes of interpretations. It
is the Catholic Church that has published the New Community Bible by adding
words that have not come forth from God, with the Word of God. Many protestant
Churches have rejected many Word of God saying that they are not the Word of
God. All these people carry the name, ‘apostles’; they have hats and staff;
they have the so called ‘apostolic’ rings on their fingers; they have all sorts
of ornaments and live in palaces; they have prefixed decorations like, ‘His
Holines’, ‘His Eminence’, ‘His Beatitude’, ‘His Grace’, ‘Father’ etc with their
names; they have the support of the powerful system of the Church; they have
the glamour of being dubbed as ‘god men’. But today, they are all rejected by
To those who seek God’s light, the Holy Spirit has given warning well
in advance:
Acts 20/29-31 - I know that after I have gone, savage wolves
will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Some even from your own group
will come distorting the truth in order to entice the disciples to follow them.
Therefore be alert…
The shepherds in the Church will themselves be the false prophets!
Well, the Holy Spirit cannot err.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will be under delusion that leads to destruction
In the End Times, the false prophets and those who are taught by them
will be under a delusion that God Himself brings on them. God does this because
they refused to love Truth – the Word of God – and thus be saved. They will
believe only what is false, but will think that they have truth in them. They
will joyfully accept everything except the Word of God. They will not be ready
to listen to or speak the Word of God. But, they will not have any difficulty
in embracing any teaching that is contrary to the Word of God.
2 Thes. 2/9-12 - The coming of the lawless one is apparent in
the working of Satan, who uses all power, signs, lying wonders, and every kind
of wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love
the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion,
leading them to believe what is false, so that all who have not believed the
truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness will be condemned.
So, these false prophets and those led by them will be eager to
believe the false signs and wonders performed by the Antichrist in the End
Times. Thus they all will be deceived by satan (Rev. 13/11-14, Dan. 8/12).
Today’s church scholars have rejected the Word of God. Of course, they
have the Bible in their hands and pulpits. They do research in the Bible and
take doctorates. But they do not believe the Word of God as it is written or
subject themselves to it. These ‘learned’ men are willing to accept all sorts
of philosophies that are contrary to the Word of God. The teachings that come
from these Churches prove this.
But Zion is not under any delusion, because Zion lets itself be ruled
by the Word of God and rejects everything that is contrary to the Word of God
as false and worthless.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will teach ‘another gospel’.
True prophets re-stated what God spoke. Jesus Christ spoke only the
Words of His Father (Jn. 12/49-50). The apostles proclaimed what they were taught
by Jesus Christ and what the Holy Spirit reminded them of. The Word of God
written in the Holy Bible is these Words of God. If anyone preaches something
in name of this written Word of God, he will be a false prophet. The teaching
of ‘gospel’ of such false prophets is ‘another gospel’.
Gal. 1/7-9 - Not that there is another gospel, but there
are some who are confusing you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But
even if we or an angel from heaven should proclaim to you a gospel contrary to
what we proclaimed to you, let that one be accursed! As we have said before, so
now I repeat, if anyone proclaims to you a gospel contrary to what you
received, let that one be accursed!
1 Jn. 1/9-11 - Everyone who does not abide in the teaching
of Christ, but goes beyond it, does not have God; whoever abides in the
teaching has both the Father and the Son. Do not receive into the house or
welcome anyone who comes to you and does not bring this teaching; for to
welcome is to participate in the evil deeds of such a person.
Now, true Gospel is not what an apostate church teaches, however ‘old’
the Church appears to be. True Gospel is that which came from God and that can
lead us to eternal life.
Priests from which Churches give teaching that is contrary to the Word
of God. It is the preachers and priests from the Catholic Church and many other
Churches that teach this cursed ‘another gospel’.
For example,
the Word of God teaches that no one can enter the Kingdom of God
without being born again by water and Spirit (Jn. 3/5). But the Catholic Church
teaches that one can be saved even without Baptism.
God teaches that Jesus Christ is the Only Saviour (Jn. 14/6, 1 Cor.
8/6). But the Catholic Church teaches that there are many ‘ways’ other than
Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is not the only Saviour.
God teaches not to conform to the world (Rom. 12/2). But the Catholic
Church teaches that the believers must ‘dialogue’ with the world and
respectfully inculturate and preserve all that is the world.
God tells not to imitate others in worshiping God (Due. 12/30-31). But
the Catholic Church asks the believers to imitate the practices and prayers of
other faiths.
Jesus Christ quoted from the Book of Genesis and taught that man and
woman were created together by God. But the Catholic Church teaches that what
is described in the first few chapters in the Book of Genesis are taken from
some gentile folklores and man was evolved as Darwin’s hypothesis says.
The Word of God says that Job was a person who lived on this earth
(Jam. 5/10-11, Heb. 13/7). But the Catholic Church says that Job is merely a
character in story.
God says never to add anything to His Words (Prov. 30/5-6). But the
Catholic Church teaches that we can add from any book to the Word of God and
doing so the Catholic Church in India published the New Community Bible.
The Word of God says that Holy Mother was born from God the Father
before this earth or even the first grain of sand was created (Sir. 24/1,9, Ws.
8/3-4, Ws. 9/9, Ws. 7/25-27, Prov. 8/22-30). But the Catholic Church teaches
that Holy Mother is an offspring of Adam.
This list of the false teachings of the Catholic Church will go
on and on. But this is enough to prove
that it is the preachers in the Catholic Church and many other Churches that
teach ‘another gospel’.
But Zion preaches only the Word of God, whether it was given to us
through the Prophets, Jesus Christ or the Apostles.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
Worldliness will be dominant in the teachings and works of False Prophets.
False prophets will speak worldly things and will work for the
establishment of this worldly kingdom. They are not of Jesus Christ, but of
this world (Jn. 15/18-19). So the world will love them. They will make confederacies
in this world to make their position safe (Is. 8/11-12).
1 John 4/1-6 - Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but
test the spirits to see whether they are from God; for many false prophets have
gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that
confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit
that does not confess Jesus is not from God. And this is the spirit of the
antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming; and now it is already in
the world. Little children, you are from God, and have conquered them; for the
one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. They are from
the world; therefore what they say is from the world, and the world listens to
them. We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us, and whoever is not
from God does not listen to us. From this we know the spirit of truth and the
spirit of error.
Since these false prophets are worldly, the love of God is not in them
(1 Jn. 2/15-17). They are engaged in activities that are abominous to God and
are engaged in building a Babel culture in this world (Lk. 16/15). They do all
sorts of things in order to be counted as friends of this world. Thus they
prove themselves to be enemies of God (Jam. 4/4). Since they do not have the
love of God in them, they are not able to do the Will of God. The act as per
the Will of God is believing in the One who is sent by God (Jn. 6/29). False
prophets will not be willing to believe in Emmanuel, whom God has send (Jn.
False prophets place their trust in Jesus Christ only for this worldly
life. So they are more unfortunate than all other people (1 Cor. 15/19). They,
who are worldly men, can long for only worldly things. But this world and its
desires will pass away (1 Jn. 2/17). This earth and everything on it will be
burnt up (2 Pet. 3/10). Everything will be fulfilled when heaven and earth pass
away (Mt. 5/18).
False prophets neither know anything about the life that is to come
nor believe in it. They do not hope for the New Earth, the Heavenly City,
eternal life, the redemption of the body or the fruit of the Tree of Life (2
Pet. 3/13, Heb. 11/10, 1 Jn. 2/25, Rom. 8/23, Rev. 22/19). These false prophets
do not wait for Emmanuel as their Saviour (Phil. 3/20-21, Heb. 9/28) or for God
the Father who comes to visit His Children (Amos 4/12, Is. 64/4). They can
never do that.
Now, we must find out priests and preachers of which Churches exhibit
these signs. Are not the priests, bishops and leaders of the present Catholic
Church and many other Churches work for this worldly kingdom? To be confirmed
of this, just ask these clergy to renounce the wealth and institutions they
have amassed here on earth. Then their true colour will become more visible.
These church leaders try all means to get the friendship of this world. They
indulge in all sorts of inculturation and pseudo-ecumenism by renouncing the
uniqueness of the Christian faith, the Word of God and Jesus Christ to appease
men (Rom. 12/2).
Besides, they imitate all sorts of customs, rituals, prayers that
exist in the world. These Churches run various institutes that would motivate
and help people to gain glory, wealth and good job in this world. Through their
educational institutes, no one is given the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No one who
studies in these institutes reaches Emmanuel (Jesus Christ), the only Saviour.
The students who come out of these institutes are not convinced of the fact
that what is of Heaven alone is eternal nor are they taught to put their hope
in Heavenly things (2 Cor. 4/18, Col. 3/1-2). No one is taught in these
institutes that Jesus Christ will come again or God the Father will come. The
students who come out of these Christian institutes do not wait for God (Tit.
2/11-13). In short through any institute that these Churches run the Kingdom of
God does not profit in any way.
Holy Mother declares in Her messages to Stefano Gobbi that the priests
in these Churches have become the servants of this world. (It is written in the
book, Our Lady Speaks to the Priests,
No. 169, Feb. 2, 1977).
As a result, they (priests) have become
prey to the spirit of this world. They embrace the life of this world and are
attracted to its values. They participate in the various pleasures of this
world. They subject themselves to the propagandas of this world. In the end, they accept the mentality of the
world. Thus they justify the spirit of this world and propagate it. Later they
become its servants. This will be stumbling to many believers.
But since Zion does not preach to please the world but preahces the
Word of God and about the Kingdom of God it is hated by the world, just as
Jesus Christ and his disciples were hated. Zion does not work to equip people
to build a ‘better’ life on this world or run institutions and colleges to
facilitate this. Zion is at the service of the Kingdom of God.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will perform many false signs to lead the people of God astray.
False prophets are those who flatter the Antichrist and work many
false wonders in his name, in the End Times. But, only those who are unwilling
to love Truth (the Word of God) and thus be save will be misled by the false
2 Thes. 2/9-12 - The coming of the lawless one is apparent in
the working of Satan, who uses all power, signs, lying wonders, and every kind
of wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love
the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion,
leading them to believe what is false, so that all who have not believed the
truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness will be condemned.
Rev. 13/11-15 - Then I saw another beast that rose out of
the earth; it had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. It
exercises all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and it makes the
earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound had been
healed. It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to
earth in the sight of all; and by the signs that it is allowed to perform on
behalf of the beast, it deceives the inhabitants of earth, telling them to make
an image for the beast that had been wounded by the sword and yet lived; and it
was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast so that the image of the
beast could even speak and cause those who would not worship the image of the
beast to be killed.
Today, it is the Catholic Church and other Christian Churches who
gather people by working ‘wonders’. People flock to the retreat centers in the
hope of some ‘miracle’ that will provide them something for this material life.
If somebody reports about some ‘miracle’ people will run to those places and
light candles and offer ‘novenas’. People erroneously think that miracle always
take place by the power of the Holy Spirit. But satan can also work many
‘wonders’ through the spirit of the Antichrist. The spirit of the Antichrist
will act in such a manner that it would seem to the works of the Holy Spirit.
These same Catholic Church and other Christian Churches call people who were
alive till a few years ago as ‘saints’ and praise them as ‘wonder workers’ and
‘mediators of impossible things’ and make the people of God the devotees of
these men. People do not care whether those who preach are sent by God or
preachers should teach people what God wants. If any preacher does some
‘wonders’ they are all ‘great’ for these people.
There is a Salvation that is prepared to be revealed in the End Times
(1 Pet. 1/5, Phil. 3/20-21). False prophets will not accept this Salvation nor
will they prepare people to receive this. Instead, false prophets will work
‘miracles’ to lead people astray from this Salvation.
It is not by seeing any miracle that the Children of God come to Zion
and remain at Zion. No one comes to Emperor Emmanuel Church in search of any
material benefits. That does not mean that miracles do not take place at Zion.
Instead, the Word of God has declared that innumerable miracles will indeed take
place in Zion. The Children of God remain in the Emperor Emmanuel Church
because they heard the Word of eternal life – the Good News of eternal
Salvation. Zion believers are those who have their foundation on the Rock – the
Word of God (Mt. 7/24-25).
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will be flatterers of the Antichrist; they will force people to
put on the name or seal of the Antichrist.
The Antichrist (to be precise, the
End time Christ) is the one who comes as the ruler of this world. He will
bring in a one-world government. Bringing in a one-world religion, he will
reject the One True God. He will reject all the Word of God and placing himself
above it, will occupy his Seat in the house of God (2 Thes. 2/3-4). What is
mentioned as the house of God is the Church. So false prophets are those who
flatter and work for the Antichrist when he rules the world.
Rev. 13/11-16-17 - Then I saw another beast that rose out of
the earth; it had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon… Also it
causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to
be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell who
does not have the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its
It will be the false prophets who will be forcing people to take the
bio-chip that the Antichrist will introduce in the End Times. The works for the
Antichrist are in full swing in various Churches. The Antichrist will take away
the essence of true Christian faith and create an amalgamation of all faiths.
Thus he will encourage a ‘one-world faith’ that adores man instead of God. It
is the Catholic Church that brought together people who have all sorts of
beliefs under one umbrella in Assisi in Italy. In 1986 John Paul II did it for
the fist time and Benedict XVI conducted its 25th anniversary. The
Vatican has already advocated for a world economic authority like the UNO but
with more power. The completion of this is the one-world government of the
Holy Mother has prophesied many times that the spirit of the
antichrist will enter and exert its dominion in the zenith of the Church
through Freemasons etc.
The Catholic Church is shaken up by the
lack of faith, obscured by apostasy, wounded by betrayal, abandoned by its
children, divided by schisms, possessed and dominated by Freemasonry, turned
into fertile soil from which will spring up the wicked tree of the man of
iniquity, the Antichrist, who will bring his kingdom into its interior. (To the
Priests : Our Lady’s Beloved Sons, The Marian Movement of Priests, No. 486,
(Para. 17), Rubbio (Vicenza, Italy), January 1, 1993).
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will not teach about sin, righteousness and Last Judgement with
equal importance.
Jesus Christ prophesied that He will give the Holy Spirit to His
Apostles, who will teach the world about sin, righteousness of God and the Last
Judgement (Jn. 16/7-8). The Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles written in
the Holy Bible testify that these were the subjects that the Apostles taught.
This proves that it was the Holy Spirit who taught through them. From the
moment the elders and priests in the Church began teaching about other subjects
other that these three, then onwards the Holy Spirit stopped teaching in the
Church. One of the greatest works of the Holy Spirit in the End Times is
convincing the world (of Emmanuel) about sin, righteousness and the Final
Judgement. This is very important and relevant in the End Times. But the false
prophets will not do this because they are not sent by God and the Holy Spirit
is not in them.
The Holy Spirit is present only in such a place where these three
subjects are taught with equal importance. (Of course other signs of the
presence and dwelling of the Holy Spirit also must be present in that
community.) Two of the most heinous sins that the people of God commit in the
End Times are the violation of the First Commandment (Mk. 12/29-31) and the
despising and rejection of the Word of God (Jer. 2/12-13). As a result, they
also commit the sin of not believing in the Son of God, who has come again in
flesh. No one is taught about this sin in these Churches. The Son of God comes
again to fulfill the righteousness of God (Is. 42/2-4). God had promised that
He would send His Son in the time of Consolation (Acts 3/20). When all the Word
of God are fulfilled the righteousness of God will be fulfilled. Present day
Churches do not teach about the Glorious Manifestation of Jesus Christ, the
Coming of God the Father or the righteousness of God that will be fulfilled
then (2 Thes. 1/6-7). Today what these Churches seek and preach is human
righteousness. So they are engaged in things that bring them glory in this
world. The Word of God teaches about the righteousness of God. But since these
Churches have rejected the Word of God in the name of interpretations, they do
not know about the righteousness of God nor do accept it. The Final Judgement
is at the Manifestation of Emmanuel. But for the Church scholars, to speak
about this is narrow thinking and foolishness.
But Emperor Emmanuel Church teaches about sin, righteousness and Final
Judgement with equal importance. Only Zion proclaims that the Son of God has
come again on this earth and He will manifest in glory at the right time. Only
in Zion it is preached that God the Father is coming to meet His Children. Zion
proclaims to the whole world that the Final Judgement is at hand.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will not accept God the Father, the Son Emmanuel, the Holy
Spirit and Holy Mother together.
Those who truly believe in God must believe that He is truthful and
righteous and He is the Creator of everything and the sustainer. They must
believe in His Words, Works and those sent by Him. To believe in God also means
to believe in God and in the three persons in Him – Emmanuel, His Firstborn
Son, the Holy Spirit and Wisdom His firstborn Daughter.
Though many people claim to be believers they reject at least one
these – God the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and Wisdom. Some people do not
accept God the Father while some others do not accept Emmanuel as the only
Saviour. Some do not even know the Holy Spirit nor believe in Him. Many others
do not know who Holy Mother is nor believe in Her. If we examine the so called
believers in the world, they will fall under any of these categories.
Jer. 10/10-12 - But the LORD is the true God; he is the
living God and the everlasting King. At his wrath the earth quakes, and the
nations cannot endure his indignation. Thus shall you say to them: The gods who
did not make the heavens and the earth shall perish from the earth and from
under the heavens. It is he who made the earth by his power, who established
the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding stretched out the heavens.
Col. 1/14-17 - In him we have redemption, the forgiveness
of sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation;
for in him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and
invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers-- all things have
been created through him and for him. He himself is before all things, and in
him all things hold together.
Jn. 16/25-26 - "I have said these things to you in
figures of speech. The hour is coming when I will no longer speak to you in
figures, but will tell you plainly of the Father. On that day you will ask in
my name. I do not say to you that I will ask the Father on your behalf.
Ws. 7/22-27 - There is in her a spirit that is
intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, mobile, clear, unpolluted, distinct,
invulnerable, loving the good, keen, irresistible, beneficent, humane,
steadfast, sure, free from anxiety, all-powerful, overseeing all, and
penetrating through all spirits that are intelligent, pure, and altogether
subtle. For wisdom is more mobile than any motion; because of her pureness she
pervades and penetrates all things. For she is a breath of the power of God,
and a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty; therefore nothing defiled
gains entrance into her. For she is a reflection of eternal light, a spotless
mirror of the working of God, and an image of his goodness. Although she is but
one, she can do all things, and while remaining in herself, she renews all
things; in every generation she passes into holy souls and makes them friends
of God, and prophets.
Bar. 4/1 - She is the Book of the commandments of God,
the Law that endures forever. All who hold Her fast will live, and those who
forsake Her will die.
Prov. 8/23-30 - Ages ago I was set up, at the first, before
the beginning of the earth. When there were no depths I was brought forth, when
there were no springs abounding with water. Before the mountains had been
shaped, before the hills, I was brought forth--when he had not yet made earth
and fields, or the world's first bits of soil. When he established the heavens,
I was there, when he drew a circle on the face of the deep, when he made firm
the skies above, when he established the fountains of the deep, when he
assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress his
command, when he marked out the foundations of the earth, then I was beside
him, like a master worker; and I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him
But Emperor Emmanuel Church believes in God, His Word, His Works and
those sent by Him. Zion believes in God the Father, Emmanuel the Son of God,
the Holy Spirit and Holy Mother.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will keep the external aspects of devotion, but reject its true
False prophets and those led by them will conduct adorations,
celebrate feasts and all other practices of devotion. But, they will not have
true fear of God. This is a distinctive sign of false prophets.
2 Tim. 3/1-6 - You must understand this, that in the last
days distressing times will come. For people will be lovers of themselves,
lovers of money, boasters, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents,
ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, brutes,
haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure
rather than lovers of God, holding to the outward form of godliness but denying
its power. Avoid them! For among them are those who make their way into
households and captivate silly women, overwhelmed by their sins and swayed by
all kinds of desires.
The true fear of God is hatred of evil (Prov. 8/13). The fear of God
is obeying all the Commandments of God and hate and stay away from all evils.
Fear of God is the fruit of the grace of God. The signs exhibited by those who
have the Grace of God are shown by the Word of God. But these signs of the
presence of Grace will not be visible in false prophets.
Tit. 2/11-13 - For the grace of God has appeared, bringing
salvation to all, training us to renounce impiety and worldly passions, and in
the present age to live lives that are self-controlled, upright, and godly,
while we wait for the blessed hope and the manifestation of the glory of our
great God, and Savior Jesus Christ.
We see all sorts of celebrations in Christian Churches. But there is
evil and sins proportional to these external celebrations in these Churches.
Most people who take part in these celebrations do not have the fear of God nor
do they subject themselves to the Word of God. Today’s celebrations, Mass and
other devotional practices have become mere dramas to get glory in this world
and to satisfy the vested interests of the people involved. Such sacrifices and
offerings of the believers are not acceptable to God. (But the priests in these
Churches teach against the Word of God that the authenticity and effectiveness
of the Mass are not related to the sin and evil lives of the priests.)
Sir. 34/22-23 - The gifts of the lawless are not acceptable.
The Most High is not pleased with the offerings of the ungodly, nor for a
multitude of sacrifices does he forgive sins.
Many priests offer sacrifices when they are under the slavery of sin
(Jn. 8/34). Even those priests who appear to be blemishless commit two grave sins
– violation of the First Commandment and rejection of the Word of God (Mk.
12/29-30, Jer. 2/12-13). They do not follow the Royal Law (Jam. 2/8). God
abhors such Masses that are offered by priests and people who reject His
Commandments, especially the First Commandment and the sixth commandment, and
despise His Words. So God asks them:
Mal. 2/1-3 - And now, O priests, this command is for you.
If you will not listen, if you will not lay it to heart to give glory to my
Name, says the LORD of hosts, then I will send the curse on you and I will
curse your blessings; indeed I have already cursed them, because you do not lay
it to heart. I will rebuke your offspring, and spread dung on your faces, the
dung of your offerings, and I will put you out of my presence.
The Lord also clarifies how these priests do not give glory to His
Mal. 1/6-7 - A son honors his father, and servants their
master. If then I am a father, where is the honor due me? And if I am a master,
where is the respect due me? says the LORD of hosts to you, O priests, who
despise my name. You say, "How have we despised your name?" By
offering polluted food on my altar. And you say, "How have we polluted
it?" By thinking that the Lord’s table may be despised.
So God laments:
Mal. 1/10 - Oh, that someone among you would shut the
temple doors, so that you would not kindle fire on my altar in vain! I have no
pleasure in you, says the LORD of hosts, and I will not accept an offering from
your hands.
Those who offer all sorts of evils – the sins and blemishes of people
– are offered to God by the priests in many Catholic Churches. ‘Enlightened’ by
the Second Vatican Council, many priests offer Mass at picnic spots, bars, with
animals accompanying them etc. Thus they perform empty worship.
But Zion asks that believers must turn away from all evils. Believers
are taught to obey the First Commandment above everything else. Zion offers
only the good that God has given them, at the altar. Zion does not offer their
sins at the altar. The true worship that Zion offers is offering their body as
holy, living and acceptable sacrifice to God (Rom. 12/1). The true spirit of
the fear of God – hatred of evil – is given importance at Zion.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will show eagerness in the veneration of ‘saints’ and angels.
False prophets will engage in the veneration of saints and angels.
Col. 2/18-19 - Do not let anyone disqualify you, insisting
on self-abasement and worship of angels, dwelling on visions, puffed up without
cause by a human way of thinking, and not holding fast to the head, from whom
the whole body, nourished and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows
with a growth that is from God.
Does God ask His Children to venerate angels? What does the Word of
God say? When Tobit and Tobias prostrated before Raphael, the angel warns them
to worship only God (Tob. 12/16-20). When John the Disciple, falls before
Gabriel, the latter shivers and tells John that he is the servant of the Sons
and Daughters of God (Rev. 22/8-9). God created angels to serve His Children
and not for His Children to venerate of worship. When Lucifer thought in his mind
that he will place himself above the stars of God – the Children of God – God
cast him away into hell. Lucifer and the other cursed angels will be judged by
the Children of God (1 Cor. 6/3, 2 Pet. 2/4). The Holy Spirit teaches in the
Letter to the Hebrews that angels are servants created to minister to those who
are to inherit the eternal Salvation prepared to be revealed in the End Times
(1 Pet. 1/5, Phil. 3/20-21, Rom. 8/28-30, Heb. 1/14). Worshiping angels is the
violation of the First Commandment.
Angles do not have death. Those who believe in Emmanuel and resurrect
become like angels (Lk. 20/36). But those Children of God who do not die and
are transfigured by Emmanuel in His Glorious Manifestation are superior to the
angels (1 Cor. 15/51-55, Phil. 3/20-21, Rev. 22/8-9).
Now, which Churches are engaged in the veneration of angels? This
takes place in the Catholic Church and some other Churches. These Churches have
made churches to angels like Gabriel, Raphael and Michael and venerate them.
They celebrate feasts in the name of these angels and amass wealth in this
Which are the Churches that venerate (in fact worship) saints? Again
it is the Catholic Church and some other mainstream Churches who do so. Often
these people say that they do not worship saints but only venerate them. But,
in fact the false prophets nor the people who are led by them do not show any
difference in these two activities. What happens is the worship of saints. More
glory and honour is given to saints in many Christian Churches than to God the
Father or to Jesus Christ. People flock to the shrines of Antony, Judas and
Sebastian demanding some favour for this worldly life (1 Cor. 15/19).
Has God asked His Children to venerate ‘saints’? There were many
people ‘saintly’ people who lived and died before Jesus Christ. Did Jesus
Christ venerate any of them? Did he ask his disciples to do so? Now, did the
apostles demand any such veneration from people? The apostles tore their robes
in utter pain and horror when people came to offer them homage for working a
miracle in the name of Jesus (Acts. 14/14-15). Did they ask the believers to
build churches in their name and to celebrate feasts in their honour? Did the
apostles in their turn, venerate any ‘saints’ who lived before them? They reminded
people that it is not they who worked the miracle, but Jesus Christ who did so.
So the apostles asked people to repent and glorify God (Acts. 3/11-13). Does God get any benefit by venerating the
dead ‘saints’? Never. The so called saints must be feeling utter dismay, horror
and agony when they see people venerate them instead of worshiping God.
Besides, whom does God call ‘holy’ ones? God does not call those who
are dead or who have death as holy. God’s First borns are His ‘holy ones’ (Lk.
2/23, Is. 4/2-3). There is a flock that is called the First borns of God (Heb.
12/22-24). They are the ones who are called to the glory and greatness of God
(2 Pet. 1/4). They will be coming to this earth only in the End Times (1 Pet.
1/5). They will be given the eternal Kingdom by God (Lk. 12/29-31, Dan.
7/21-22, Dan. 7/27). The whole creation is waiting for the revealing of this
Children of God, so that they will be liberated from the slavery of satan and
can fight for against the evil ones (Rom. 8/19-20, Ws. 16/17). So the true
‘saints’ of God are not those dead ones whom the Christian Churches ‘declare’
as saints.
God warns about the danger of this veneration of saints:
Ws. 14/20-21 - The multitude, attracted by the charm of his
work, now regarded as an object of worship the one whom shortly before they had
honored as a human being. And this became a hidden trap for humankind …
The ‘saints’ were all mere men and women till a few years ago. Today,
they have become vassals of the veneration in various Churches. Though many of
them led a life of sanctity, they have not got resurrection so far. Without
resurrection and transfiguration, no one gets eternal life. Eternal life is the
true salvation. None of these so called ‘saints’ have entered the Third Heaven,
where God the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and Wisdom dwell. This is so
because, the Son of God, Emmanuel must come again to this world in order to
transfigure the Children of God into his glorious body and take them along to
the dwelling places he has prepared for them (Jn. 14/1-3). Emmanuel has come
again in flesh, but He is yet to manifest in glory. Though the righteous men
and prophets have been given the approval for the promise of God, they have not
received the promised eternal life (Heb. 11/39-40, 1 Pet. 1/10-113). It can
never be justified before God to venerate those who are yet to receive
Salvation, irrespective of the life of sanctity they might have led.
Zion does not engage in the veneration or worship of saints or angels.
It does not mean that those who truly led a life of sanctity as prescribed by
the Word of God are not so and will not get any reward. Their lives, if they
were saintly according to the Word of God, can be taken as an encouragement for
the people of God. Zion believers are convinced that they are the Firstborns of
God and so they are promised by God the greatest inheritance (Jer. 3/19, Heb.
12/22-24). Zion does not worship or venerate or pray to any angels, but adores
only God.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will same ‘yes’ and ‘no’ at the same time.
All Words that came forth from God is True. Any one who adds to His
Words is a liar (Jn. 17/17, Prov. 30/5-6). Satan began this act of lying in
Paradise and all those who are led by his spirit continue this. So the false
prophets teach that a believer need not mean or take the Word of God as it is
written. They dilute and deny many Word of God in the name of modern science,
psychology and the philosophies in various cultures. In other words, they make
the Son of God, who is the Word of God, to appear as both ‘yes’ and ‘no’ at the
same time.
2 Cor. 1/17-20 - Was I
vacillating when I wanted to do this? Do I make my plans according to ordinary
human standards, ready to say "Yes, yes" and "No, no" at
the same time? As surely as God is faithful, our word to you has not been
"Yes and No." For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, whom we proclaimed
among you, Silvanus and Timothy and I, was not "Yes and No"; but in
him it is always "Yes." For in him every one of God's promises is a
"Yes." For this reason it is through him that we say the
"Amen," to the glory of God.
It is the Catholic Church and many other Churches that have made the
Word of God meaningless and void through various theories of interpretations
and exegeses. Priests in these Churches have churned out volumes of
interpretations of the Word of God that can fill libraries. The apostles of
Jesus Christ knew and were convinced that the Word of God that they heard is
true and following the Command of their Teacher (Mt. 28/19-20), they toiled
hard to reach that Gospel to every person on earth or where ever God sent them.
They even sacrificed their lives for this. But, today’s priests and scholars
spent all the resources at their disposal and their entire lives in order to
‘prove’ that the Word of God is ‘false’ or relative or merely ‘symbolic’ and
thus to deprive these Words of God of all their power and authority. Those who
prove their mettle in this ‘scholarly’ act, are decorated with doctorates and
are given prominent positions in seminaries and universities. Thus they gain
the applause of the world by their teaching of irreligion or complacent and
plastic faith.
But Zion declares that all the Word of God are true and ‘yes’. So Zion
says ‘Amen’ to all the Word of God. That is what Jesus Christ did. Zion prays
for the fulfillment of the Word of God. Zion does not interpret any Word of God
employing any theories of exegeses. What Zion does is to explain the Word of
God that the Holy Spirit joins together (Is. 34/16). Zion merely preaches the
sealed Word of God that the Holy Wisdom (Holy Mother) opens us for them (Dan.
12/8-10, Ws. 8/8). Zion merely restates what the Holy Spirit teaches about sin,
righteousness of God and the Final Judgement (Jn. 16/12-14). Zion proclaims
what God the Father teaches directly (Jn. 6/44-45, Jer. 33/3). Zion proclaims
what God the Father reveals about His works to His prophets in the End Times
(Amos 3/7). Those who are from God and have God’s Truth in them, will know that
what Zion preaches is not interpretations of the Word of God. Since Zion
preaches only to please God, who examines their hearts and who has commissioned
Zion, Zion does not have to prove this in front of the world or those who do
not understand this due to the lack of ‘ear’ (Gal. 1/10, 1 Thes. 2/3-4).
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will not have testimony about them in the Word of God.
God’s prophets were till John the Baptist (Lk. 16/16). But the Word of
testifies that prophets will be sent to pave way for the Son of God
when He comes again (Mt. 23/34). That means, some of the old prophets will be
sent again. But there will be testimony in the Word of God about these prophets
and the work they do in the End Times. They would prove themselves by
fulfilling what is written about them in the Word of God. God the Father will
reveal these true prophets to those who always want to do the Will of God (Jn.
7/17, Jn. 6/29).
But false prophets are not testified in the Word of God. Which
preacher or bishops in the present Churches can show testimony about them in
the Word of God. God has already rejected these Churches and has given the Sign
of Jonah to these Churches (Lk. 11/29-30). The Sign of Jonah is the declaration
that God will destroy the Churches. God will not sent any one to or for those
Churches that are rejected.
But ample testimonies can be found about the preaching that takes
place in Zion. Those who are attracted by God and those who belong to the flock
of Emmanuel will be given confirmation regarding this by God (Jn. 6/45, Jn.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will not have the Spirit of God in them.
Before the First Coming of Jesus Christ, Heaven was closed. It was
closed when Adam and Eve committed sin in Paradise. When Heaven is closed the
Holy Spirit will not be given. Heaven was opened only at the time of the
Baptism of Jesus Christ. It was in the Pentecost that the Holy Spirit was given
to the people of God. So it was the
Spirit of Wisdom who worked in and led the prophets who were sent before the
coming of Jesus Christ (Due. 34/9, Ws. 7/27, Ws. 10/15, 11/1). All these
prophets were sent to lead people to the Saviour, Emmanuel and the Salvation
that is given though Him.
God the Father gives the Holy Spirit and sent His prophets again in
the End Times. They are sent in order to pave way for Emmanuel, the Son of God
who comes again, and to lead people to Him. These prophets are sent to work for
Emmanuel in His Second Coming, since He will not teach people in person in His
Second Coming (Mt. 23/34, Is. 42/2-4). So these prophets will be given the
Spirit of Truth – the Spirit of Emmanuel. The Word of God testifies that Holy
Wisdom, who is the Ambassador of God in all His Salvific Works, will sent
prophets (Lk. 11/49). So in the true prophets who are sent in the End Times
will have the Spirit of Wisdom in them.
But the false prophets are not sent by God and so His Spirit will not
be in these false prophets. (Pleas see the article ‘How to Discern the Holy
Spirit’, where the 33 signs that must be present in a person or Church in whom
the Holy Spirit dwells.) All these signs must be present if we can say that the
Holy Spirit dwells in a person. But all these signs are not present in the
preachers and leaders of the Catholic Church or many other Christian Churches.
For example, the Church where the Holy Spirit dwells, will teach about sin, the
righteousness of God and the Final Judgment with equal importance (Jn.
16/7-11). The apostles of Jesus Christ taught about these subjects. So it is
clear that the Holy Spirit taught through them. But these are not the subjects
taught by most Church preachers today. Even if some preachers speak about sin,
they do no speak about the worst sins – rejection of the First Commandment and
the denial of the Word of God (Jer. 2/13). Most of these preachers do not
mention about the righteousness of God. It proves that the Holy Spirit is not
in them and it is not the Holy Spirit teaches through them.
False prophets are not led by the Spirit of Wisdom – the Spirit of
Holy Mother. Many of them have out rightly rejected Holy Mother and the Words
of God that Holy Wisdom has spoken (e.g. the protestant pastors). Many others
are misusing Wisdom for material benefits and for self-glory (e.g. the Catholic
priests and preachers). All of them have lost Wisdom (Hos. 4/6, Mal. 2/7-9).
The Spirit of Wisdom is not in them.
False prophets will not heed the warning of Holy Mother regarding the
End of Ages or obey Her advice. Today’s Church authorities have despised and
rejected the Words of Holy Mother who warned that the End of Ages is near, the
punishments from God is about to fall on this earth and Her Son is Coming in
flesh again. Holy Mother had asked the Catholic Church to publish the Third
Secret of Fatima, which She conveyed to Sr. Lucy, in 1960. Though it was given
in a sealed envelop to Vatican, nothing was published. Thus the Catholic Church
despised Holy Mother and kept the warning from God hidden. More over, pope John
XXIII, the so called ‘blessed’ and ‘laughing’ pope spoke in his inaugural
address of the Second Vatican Council in 1962, despising and rejecting those
who spoke about the End of Ages and punishment from Heaven. In fact, the pope
was rejecting Holy Mother and Sr. Lucy who spoke of the End of Ages. The popes
who came after him also followed the same path. Then in 2000 Cardinal Ratzinger
published a false Third Secret of Fatima to pacify those who honour Holy
False prophets will reject the Wisdom that comes from God and will
embrace the worldly knowledge. Today, for the Church authorities and scholars,
the worldly knowledge is supreme. In order to conform to this ‘learning’ and to
be seen as ‘enlightened’ in this world,
they have rejected most Word of God through their interpretations. This is a
Freemasonic thinking and plot. Holy Mother has clarified this in Her messages
given to Stefano Gobbi. (To the Priests:
Our Lady’s Beloved Sons, The Marian Movement of Priests, No. 406, Dongo
(Como, Italy), June 13, 1989).
The black beast like a leopard indicates
Freemasonry; the beast with the two horns like a lamb indicates Freemasonry
infiltrated into the interior of the Church, that is to say, ecclesiastical
Masonry, which has spread especially among the members of the hierarchy. This
Masonic infiltration, in the interior of the Church, was already foretold to
you by me at Fatima, when I announced to you that satan would enter in even to
the summit of the Church. if the task of the Masonry is to lead souls to
perdition, bringing them to the worship of false divinities, the task of
ecclesiastical Masonry on the other hand is that of destroying Christ and His
Church, building a new idol, namely a false Christ and a false church.(Para 7)
Jesus is the Truth because it is He – the
living Word – who is the font and seal of all Divine Revelation. And so
ecclesiastical Masonry works to obscure his Divine Word, by means of natural
and rational interpretations and, in the attempt to make it more understandable
and acceptable, empties it of all its supernatural content. Thurs errors are
spread in every part of the Catholic Church itself. Because of the spread of
these errors, many are moving away today from the true faith, bringing to
fulfillment the prophecy which was given to you by me at Fatima…. The lose of
faith is apostasy. Ecclesiastical Masonry works, in a subtle and diabolical
way, to lead all into apostasy. (Para 12)
Jesus is the Way which leads to the
Father, by means of the Gospel. Ecclesiastical Masonry favours those forms of
exegesis which give it a rationalistic and natural interpretation, by means of
the application of the various literary genres in such a way that it becomes
torn to pieces in all parts. In the end, one arrives at denying the historical
reality of miracles and of the resurrection and places in doubt the very
divinity of Jesus and his salvific mission. (Para 14)
Today it is the priests and scholars in the Catholic Church and other
Churches who manufacture Biblical interpretations that make the Word of God
null and void. For example, these ‘scholars’ teach that God did not divide the
Red Sea miraculously to lead the People of Israel to safety, but the people of
God just ran through some sort of marshy land to safety. God did not give manna
to the people of Israel, rather, manna was the sap of some tree that came out
when certain insects bite the bark of those trees. God did not give them quails
but, some birds during their migration took rest on the bank of the Red Sea and
then the Israelites caught them. Job and Jonah who preached in Nineveh are
fictitious characters. The first 12 chapters of the Book of Genesis also are
‘stories’. Many words of the prophets especially regarding the First
Commandment (Mk. 12/29-30) and the righteousness of God are exaggerations and
their own human feelings as Jews. The resurrection and ascension of Jesus
Christ are often placed within inverted commas making them symbolic. These are
some of the dogmatic teachings of the scholars in many Churches. Some of these
scholars teach that many of the passages in the Holy Bible are detective
stories, ghost stories and local legends that some men used to tell some
‘teachings’ about God. If we examine the books that are written by the
professors in the seminaries in these Churches and the innumerable books of
Biblical interpretations, we can see this blasphemous rejection of the Word of
God (Jer. 2/12-13, Is. 5/20-24). These scholars are all false prophets in whom
the Spirit of Wisdom does not dwell. So their teaching has become a stumbling
to the people of God (Mal. 2/7-9).
False prophets have rejected the Son of God, Emmanuel, who has come
again in flesh. They have approached God with the petition that they don’t want
the Son of God as their King (Lk. 19/11-14, 26-27). They spread all sorts of
rumours and false accusations so that people never reach Emmanuel. All those
who deny and reject the Son of God, Emmanuel are false prophets, since He is
already come again to this earth in a human body. None of them have the Spirit
of Emmanuel in them and so they do not belong to Him (Rom. 8/9). So they can
never recognize His Voice or follow Him to eternal life (Jn. 10/2-5, 15-16).
These false prophets will be destroyed. The priests and scholars in today’s
Churches do not believe in Emmanuel, the Saviour who has come again in flesh or
proclaim Him as their King and Saviour. In them the Spirit of Emmanuel is not
But, Zion has been given the Spirit of God the Father, the Spirit of
Emmanuel and the Spirit of Wisdom. From the fruits this can be known. Zion does
not do any of the activities of the false prophets described above.
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
False Prophets will not confess that Jesus Christ has come again in flesh on
this earth, after His Second Coming.
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ and His Glorious Manifestation are
not one and the same. They are two separate incidents. 2000 years ago the Son
of God – the Eternal Word of God – came down to this earth as the Sprit of the
Word of God. It was in the womb of Holy Mother that He acquired body (Jn. 1/14,
Heb. 2/14). Second Coming of the Lord is the coming of the Saviour, who after
His life, death and resurrection ascended into Heaven 2000 years ago and was
sitting at the Right side of God the Father, as the Son of Man again (Acts
3/20). Then, after a period of time He reveals Himself in His Glorious
Manifestation as the King of kings – Emperor. His true Name is Emmanuel. During
this period, those who have the Spirit of God in them will confess Emmanuel.
False prophets, who are led by the spirit of the Antichrist, will not confess
the Son of God who has come again in flesh.
1 Jn. 4/1-4 - Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but
test the spirits to see whether they are from God; for many false prophets have
gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: the spirit that
confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and the spirit
that does not confess Jesus is not from God. And this is the spirit of the
antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming; and now it is already in
the world. Little children, you are from God, and have conquered them; for the
One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
Emmanuel has come again to fulfill the righteousness of God (Is.
42/2-4, Is. 63/1-6, Due. 32/39-42). He gives power to be the Children of God
only to those who believe in His Name – Emmanuel (Jn. 1/12). God the Father has
sent Him to this earth so that all who believe in Him will have eternal life
(Jn. 3/16). It is Emmanuel who gives the
Salvation that had been prepared to be revealed in the End Times (Heb. 9/28, 1
Pet. 1/5, Phil. 3/20-21). The Holy Spirit dwells only in those who confess the
Son of God, Emmanuel and the Divine Plan that will be fulfilled in Emmanuel.
But false prophets will not confess Emmanuel who has come again in
flesh. From this itself is clear that the Holy Spirit is not in them. Today
these priests and preachers in the Catholic Church and many other Churches
despise and blaspheme against the Son of God by calling Him satan and the
antichrist and persecute those who confess Emmanuel.
But Zion confesses Emmanuel as the Son of God and Emperor and wait
eagerly for His Manifestation. The Word of God says that they will see the Lord
face to face (Is. 59/20-21, Heb. 9/28, Is. 52/7-8).
Now say, who are
the false prophets living in these End Times?
Punishment that Falls on the False Prophets
It is the spirit of the Antichrist that works in the false prophets.
But they claim that it is the spirit of God that leads them and works through
them. Calling the spirit of satan as the Spirit of God is something that God
hates more than just denying Him. This is the heinous evil that the false
prophets commit. The false prophets cause pain to the Holy Spirit by rejecting
the Holy Sprit, by neglecting the warnings of the Holy Spirit, by equating the
Holy Spirit with all sorts of spirits and by speaking against those sent by God
(Heb. 3/7-8,13, Mt. 12/31-32). Many scholars in the Catholic Church, many
leaders in the Charismatic Movement, whom the Church has already bought and the
preachers who whitewash the Church preach their own thoughts as prophesies from
God has declared the punishment that will fall on the false prophets.
1) In these End Times, the worst evil that the false prophets who
comes in the guise of sheep is adultery and homosexuality. Many studies
conducted by the Churches themselves show that homosexuality has increased many
fold among priests. So God declares that this community of adulterers have
become like Sodom and Gomorrah for Him. The worst sin that made God to destroy
these five cities was the rampant homosexual activities (Jud. 1/7). The Holy
Bible testifies that God brought down fire and brimstone to destroy these
cities. Life does not exist in these places even today.
Jer. 23/14-15 - But in the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen
a more shocking thing: they commit adultery and walk in lies; they strengthen
the hands of evildoers, so that no one turns from wickedness; all of them have
become like Sodom to me, and its inhabitants like Gomorrah. Therefore thus says
the LORD of hosts concerning the prophets: "I am going to make them eat
wormwood, and give them poisoned water to drink; for from the prophets of
Jerusalem ungodliness has spread throughout the land."
Many reports that come out show that the evil of homosexuality is
permeating human societies at an alarming rate. In many countries, homosexual
and lesbian marriages are made legal while in many other countries people
gather together and demand to allow them to live as homosexuals openly. This is
like the demand of the people of Sodom who gathered in front of the house of
Lot to let them have sex with the men who arrived at Lot’s house. Ironically
many of the countries that have legalized same sex marriages are predominantly
All these show that the Day of the wrath of God has come near. That
Day comes to destroy sinners and make the earth desolate (Is. 13/9, 2 Pet.
3/10, Ps. 21/8-9). Moses also had prophesied that the human society in the End
Times will become like Sodom and Gomorrah (Due. 32/31-33). The Holy Spirit also
has prophesied about this through Paul (2 Tim. 3/1-9). Christian Churches, who
are led by priests who are slaves of homosexuality, cannot and do not stand
against this abomination.
2) God has prepared eternal hell for the false prophets.
Jud. 1/12-13 - ... They are waterless clouds carried along by
the winds; autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, uprooted; wild waves of the
sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the
deepest darkness has been reserved forever.
3) One of the hallmarks of the false prophets is their rejection of
the Son of God, Emmanuel, who comes again to this world in flesh. What they
despise most is the Kingship of Emmanuel and the word that denotes His
Sovereign Rule – Emperor. The Son of God did not come to rule as a King in His
First Coming. Instead, He came to serve and to offer His life as a ransom for
many. But He made it clear that He was born to be the King (Jn. 18/37). All
dominions and thrones were created for Him (Col. 1/15-17). He is the King of
kings and the Lord of lords (Rev. 17/14). He takes up Kingship in His Glorious
Manifestation. False prophets will despise the Son of God, who comes as the
Emperor and reject His Royal Scepter (Lk. 19:12-14, 27).
From this it clear that the false prophets come to the forefront in
the Second Coming of the Son of God, when the Good News of His Kingship is
being proclaimed (Is. 40/9-10). That means, false prophets are working in the
Christian Churches NOW.
But, Jesus Christ has prophesied what would happen to the false
prophets who would oppose the Good News that will be preached in the End Times.
The Good News that is proclaimed in Zion is that the Son of God, Emmanuel is
coming to rule over His People.
Luke 19/12-15, 27 - So he said, "A nobleman went to a
distant country to get royal power for himself and then return. He summoned ten
of his slaves, and gave them ten pounds, and said to them, 'Do business with
these until I come back.' But the citizens of his country hated him and sent a
delegation after him, saying, 'We do not want this man to rule over us.' When
he returned, having received royal power, he ordered these slaves, to whom he
had given the money, to be summoned so that he might find out what they had gained
by trading.... But as for these enemies of mine who did not want me to be king
over them-- bring them here and slaughter them in my presence.'"
Jesus Christ rules as King in His Second Coming. He will destroy all
the false prophets who constantly petition God that they don’t want Emmanuel as
their King.
God has warned about the punishment that will fall on those who
despise the Kingship of Emmanuel.
Eze. 21/9-13, 29 - Mortal, prophesy and say: Thus says the
Lord; Say: A sword, a sword is sharpened, it is also polished; it is sharpened
for slaughter, honed to flash like lightning! How can we make merry? You have
despised the rod, and all discipline. The sword is given to be polished, to be
grasped in the hand; it is sharpened, the sword is polished, to be placed in
the slayer's hand. Cry and wail, O mortal, for it is against my people; it is
against all Israel's princes; they are thrown to the sword, together with my
people. Ah! Strike the thigh! For consider: What! If you despise the rod, will
it not happen? says the Lord GOD.... Offering false visions for you, divining
lies for you, they place you over the necks of the vile, wicked ones-- those
whose day has come, the time of final punishment.
This punishment will fall on the false prophets in the End Times.
4) The revenge of God and the sword of the destruction of the earth
comes in the End of Ages. Priests and prophets among the Christian Churches did
not warn about this punishment though they knew about it. Pope John XXIII
despised and rejected the warnings that Holy Mother gave through the Third
Secret of Fatima about the impending punishment from Heaven and the wrath of
God. The Catholic Church rejected most of the messages from Holy Mother calling
them as private revelations. Today, most priests, bishops and cardinals in the
Catholic Church and many other Churches despise and reject the Second Coming of
Jesus Christ and the impending punishment from Heaven as hoaxes that cause
unwanted fear. People are just like the priests (Hos. 4/9). God laments that
people are going to be destroyed due to the lack of Wisdom (Hos. 4/6). So these
false prophets will have to answer for the destruction of many among the people
of God. They will receive severe punishment for all these.
Eze. 33/1-9 - The word of the LORD came to me: O Mortal,
speak to your people and say to them, If I bring the sword upon a land, and the
people of the land take one of their number as their sentinel; and if the
sentinel sees the sword coming upon the land and blows the trumpet and warns
the people; then if any who hear the sound of the trumpet do not take warning,
and the sword comes and takes them away, their blood shall be upon their own
heads. They heard the sound of the trumpet and did not take warning; their
blood shall be upon themselves. But if they had taken warning, they would have
saved their lives. But if the sentinel sees the sword coming and does not blow
the trumpet, so that the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes
any of them, they are taken away in their iniquity, but their blood I will
require at the sentinel's hand. So you, mortal, I have made a sentinel for the
house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them
warning from me. If I say to the wicked, "O wicked ones, you shall surely
die," and you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from their ways, the
wicked shall die in their iniquity, but their blood I will require at your
hand. But if you warn the wicked to turn from their ways, and they do not turn
from their ways, the wicked shall die in their iniquity, but you will have
saved your life.
5) False prophets, whitewash their churches instead of revealing the
evils in these Churches and correcting the people. So they will be destroyed
along with the fort (Church) they whitewashed. This takes place in the Day of
God’s wrath.
Eze. 13/10-16 - Because, in
truth, because they have misled my people, saying, "Peace," when
there is no peace; and because, when the people build a wall, these prophets
smear whitewash on it. Say to those who smear whitewash on it that it shall
fall. There will be a deluge of rain, great hailstones will fall, and a stormy
wind will break out. When the wall falls, will it not be said to you, "Where
is the whitewash you smeared on it?"
Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: In my wrath I will make a stormy wind
break out, and in my anger there shall be a deluge of rain, and hailstones in
wrath to destroy it. I will break down the wall that you have smeared with
whitewash, and bring it to the ground, so that its foundation will be laid
bare; when it falls, you shall perish within it; and you shall know that I am
the LORD. Thus I will spend my wrath upon the wall, and upon those who have
smeared it with whitewash; and I will say to you, The wall is no more, nor
those who smeared it -- the prophets of Israel who prophesied concerning
Jerusalem and saw visions of peace for it, when there was no peace, says the
Lord GOD.
6) Since the false prophets
commit sin against the Holy Sprit they will be destroyed.
Three ways people commit sin against the Holy Spirit :
a) by speaking against those sent by God
b) by offering what is evil to God
c) by misusing the grace that God gave for their evil lives.
False prophets commit all these
sins and these sins are not forgiven but were punished.
Mt. 12/31-32 - Therefore I tell
you, people will be forgiven for every sin and blasphemy, but blasphemy against
the Spirit will not be forgiven. Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man
will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be
forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
When a person speaks against a person sent by God, he in fact
blasphemes against the Spirit of God that God has bestowed on that person. The
blasphemer receives forgiveness from God only if the person against whom he
blasphemed forgives him and prays for him. This is evident in what God asks Job
to pray for his friends and in the intercession that Moses undertakes for the
Israelites in the presence of God in the prayer of Jesus Christ on the Cross.
But, Korah and companions who blasphemed against Moses and the mission that God
gave to Moses, were punished in the manner Moses had foretold (Num. 16/28-33). Thus
God testified that it was Moses whom He had sent. This has been written in the
Book of the Lord as a warning to the people.
In the End Times true prophets (old prophets themselves) will be sent
to pave way for the Son of Man and to work for him. So, all the false prophets
and their followers, who slander and blaspheme against these Prophets sent by
God in the End Times will be severely punished.
7) The Antichrist will be
destroyed and along with him, all the false prophets who are led by his spirit
will also be destroyed.
Rev. 19/19-20 - Then I saw the beast and the kings of the
earth with their armies gathered to make war against the rider on the horse and
against his army. And the beast was
captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed in its presence the
signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and
those who worshiped its image. These
two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.
What is mentioned here are the things that would happen in the End of
Ages. Any one who is given the gift of Wisdom by God will know who are the
false prophets who look like the Lamb (Emmanuel) but speaks like the serpent
(Satan). What awaits these false prophets is eternal punishment.
The signs of the false prophets mentioned in this article will suffice
to discern the false prophets for any one who believes in and bows his head
before the Word of God. If the majority of the Christian flock yell ‘false
prophets’, ‘false prophets’ at a small minority and tries to ostracize them,
this minority does not automatically become false prophets. The sign to discern
false prophets is not and has never been the absence of the certificate from
the existing church authorities. If we examine the Word of God it will be clear
that no true prophet whom God sent, possessed the certificate from or approval
of the existing Church authorities or priests. In fact, God sent His prophets
in order to point out the sins and evil doings of the people of God and thus
correct them and make them turn to God and His Ways. So true prophets were
always unwelcome and were considered as trouble makers for the authorities and
priests among the people of God. The Word of God testifies that the leaders and
priests among the People of God had always despised, persecuted and killed the
true prophets sent by God (Lk. 6/22-23, Mt. 23/29-32, Acts 7/51-52). Jesus
Christ, the Son of God did not have the certificate from the authorities among
the people of God. God did not seek the permission of the Chief Priest (in
today’s terminology, the pope) or other prominent priests when He sent His Son.
God did not ask His Son to procure a certificate from the Chief priests and the
Pharisees. In fact these priests, who claimed to be the anointed ones of God,
instigated people to bear false witness against Jesus Christ, the promised
Saviour and to demand him to be crucified (Mt. 26/59, Mt. 27/15-16, Lk. 23/10).
The Holy Bible and the history of the Early Christians bear testimony to the
fact that it was the ‘priests’ and their henchmen who ordered the apostles not
to speak in the Name of Jesus Christ and who stood as hindrance to the Gospel
of Jesus Christ (Acts 5/40). It was the same priests and elders who moved
people against the apostles and instigated people to raise false accusations
against the apostles.
Today, the Good News of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, His
impending Rule and the eternal Salvation that is about to be fulfilled through
Him, is being preached (Is. 40/9-10). But today’s priests and authorities in
various Churches commit the same sin and oppose God. No other proof is required
to substantiate that those who oppose the Son of God, Emmanuel, are the false
Along with this we need to keep in mind the following facts mentioned
in the Word of God.
1) The Holy Spirit has prophesied that apostasy (the renunciation of true
faith) will be prevailent in the Church in the End Times (2 Thes. 2/3-4).
Satan implements this mainly through the false prophets.
2) The Holy Spirit has prophesied that the Church will be in the grip of
the Antichrist in the End Times. The Anitchrist will oppose the Word of God
and will occupy his seat in the temple of God. (2 Thes. 2/3-4). The Church is
the temple of God. Along with the head, who is the Antichrist, the tail, who is
the fasle prophets will also be present in the church (Is. 9/15).
3) And yet, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?"
(Luke 18/8) This was a question that Jesus Christ asked 2000 years ago and the
Holy Mother has given the answer in the negative. False prophets play an
important role in the loss of true faith in the Church in the End Times.
4) Having seen a vison where
satan argues with Jesus Christ, Leo XIII
is said to have composed a prayer in which he mentioned that satan will
establish his Seat in the very place where Peter had established his chair
(Vatican) and the sheep will be scattered when the shepherd is beaten.
5) In the Message that Holy Mother given at La Salette, She declared
that Rome (the head quarters of the Catholic Church) will lose faith and will
become the seat of the Antichrist.
6) The true Third Secret of Fatima that Holy Mother gave to the Church
through Lucy was about the apostasy that was to permeate the Church, the
punishment that is to befall an unrepented Church and world and the
imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ. But the Catholic Church did not publish
the true Third Secret of Fatima which Holy Mother had ordered to be published
in 1960. In 2000 A.D. the Catholic Church published a false secret and fooled
the people. Vatican never allowed Lucy to speak out in the public. All these
throw light on the true identity of false prophets.
7) Paul VI had once declared that the smoke of satan comes out from the Church.
This proves the dominion of satan in the Church.
8) The Word of God declares that wolves in the guise of shepherds (bishops
and priests) will come in the Church and will lead the people to destruction by
distorting the Word of God (Acts 20/28-30). They are the false prophets
(Mt. 7/15-20). They will hide and justity the evils in the Church and will
whitewash it (Eze. 22/27-30).
9) Holy Mother has declared in Her messages to Stefano Gobbi that the
Catholic Church has become the apt place for the Antichrist, satan will
dominate the Church hierarchy and the Church will adulterate faith and will
apostise. These messages are written in the book, To the Priests: Our Lady’s Beloved Sons; Nos. 116, 118, 122, 169,
406, 409, 486, 536, 510, 326 659.
10) Jesus Christ prophesied 2000
years ago that another one (someone else)
will fasten a belt around Peter and will lead him to death (Jn. 21/18-19).
This is a prophesy that the antichrist wll dominate Peter (the Church) in the
End Times and will lead it to destruction.
The false prophets are there to minister to the Antichrist.
11) Jesus Christ prophesied that only the Sign of Jonah will be given to
the Church (this generation) in the
End Times. The Sign of Jonah is not Jonah remaining for three days and three
nights in the belly of a fish. Instead, it is the declaration that the Churches
will be destroyed by God. This Sign of Jonah has already been given to the
12) Holy Mother has declared to
Stefano Gobbi that a new Church – the Church of Light – will be established by
God in the End Times and it is this Church that is blessed with mission to
welcome Emmanuel in Glorious Manifestation (Nos. 161, 435). False prophets will
not be allowed to appear in the Church of Light.
13) The Son of God has declared that though many
are invited for the Wedding Banquet of the Lamb, only few will be elected and
so saved (Mt. 22/1-2, 14). The Wedding Banquet of the Lamb when death will
be swallowed up, is yet to take place (Is. 25/6-8). Who are the invitees? They
are the Christians. God has sent His Servants again (in the End Times) inviting
people for the Feast. But Churches have rejected the invitation and are busy in
the market and so will be destroyed (Mt. 22/7).
14) The Kingdom of God was
preached only from the time of John the Baptist (Jn. 16/16). So it becomes
clear that the workers who are supposed to build are not the Jewish priests,
but Chirstian leaders. It was the apostles and their successors who were
appointed to build the Kingdom of God. But the
Word of God clearly teaches that when the Owner of the Vineyard comes, He will
destroy the builders who despised His Will. God the Father is the Owner of
the Vineyard (Jn. 15/1). God the Father is yet to come to visit His Children
(Amos. 4/12). The Day He comes is the Day of the Revenge of God. On that Day
the earth and everything on it will be burnt up (2 Pet. 3/10-12). Of course,
that which is dominated by the false prophets will be destroyed.
From all these it becomes clear that the priests, bishops and the preachers
who decorate various places of honour in various Christian Churches in the End
Times are the false prophets who come in the guise of sheep.
Let the one who has ears, listen!
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